
World Mental Health Day – October 10 - is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy. An initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health they aim to raise public awareness of mental health issues worldwide.
The 1010.org.au website has information and activities to support the theme "See beyond the stigma and make mental health more visible".
Cyber Safety Event
The wellbeing team has organised a presentation on cyber safety for parents and carers at MGSC on
Wednesday 13 November at 7pm
Nina Carr Lecture Theatre
"Delivered by a professional speaker (former police officer, Brett Lee) from Internet Safe Education on the topic of digital compliance and internet safety it will change your thinking. You will be presented with engaging and powerful information in a way that will bring to life possible online dangers and responsibilities which are a part of your child's digital world. Strategies of protection and prevention will empower you to reduce online risks within your home. You will be amazed how simple this can be.
A sample of a Brett Lee presentation on YouTube.
RSVP to the General Office - mentone.girls.sc@edumail.vic.gov.au or 9581 5200 by Friday 1 November.