Year 6 Spotlight

Civics & Citizenship
This term, as part of our Civics and Citizenship unit, the Year 6 students have been learning about what it means to become an Australian citizen. We researched different rights and responsibilities of being an Australian, such as:
- The right to vote in federal and state elections.
- Obey the laws of Australia.
- Serve on jury duty if called to do so.
- Seek election in Parliament.
- Defend Australia should the need arise.
Shortly after this, Paul explained to the cohort his journey of how he came to live in our nation and explained how he obtained his citizenship. We then learnt about the structures of the government and had a go at a practice Australian citizenship test.
As a follow up activity, we came up with questions about FPS and turned them into our very own FPS citizenship tests, using Kahoot. We have invited the Year 3 students to come and play these Kahoots and test their knowledge of our wonderful school – as pictured below.
Some questions that were included were:
- How many specialist classes do we have at FPS?
- When was the school established?
- What are the 4 house groups of FPS?
- What are the school values?
On top of all of the above, we have created posters showing drawings or phrases that represent various aspects of our school. Some people drew things that are iconic to the FPS community, for example, the fig tree, the sports houses, and the school values.
We are looking forward to a special incursion from representatives from the Parliament of Victoria who will come to discuss the Government of Victoria and how laws and bills are passed in our country. So far, the Year 6 cohort have enjoyed learning about the Australian Government system and are very excited to continue learning about what it means to be an Aussie.
~ Olivia M, Xavier M & Kirin A, Year 6 Students