Gardening Club Report

Nesting Boxes & Harvesting Veggies

We have had an excellent start to the year in Gardening Club! 


All club members are now divided into groups that move through a rotation of jobs. These jobs include:

  • Reporting (for this very newsletter)
  • Raking
  • Checking the nesting boxes with our new camera
  • Watering and fertilising 
  • Sweeping
  • Picking up litter
  • Weeding
Everyone looks happy and busy. ~ Lauren (5B teacher)


Our fancy new nesting box camera is working very well and we have seen two very cute possums. We even saw some maggots in one. Eww!


Our plants are thriving! Especially our cucumbers and sunflowers.


We have cleaned up our yard beautifully with the help of the weeders, rakers and rubbish collectors. 
Using the camera to see in the nesting box
Gardening Club!
Image inside a nesting box
In the veggie garden
Harvesting cucumbers and tomatoes
So many tomatoes on the vine
Basil.... delicious!
Tidying the grounds
Picking the ripe ones!
Freshly picked - yum!
Using the camera to see in the nesting box
Gardening Club!
Image inside a nesting box
In the veggie garden
Harvesting cucumbers and tomatoes
So many tomatoes on the vine
Basil.... delicious!
Tidying the grounds
Picking the ripe ones!
Freshly picked - yum!

~ FPS Gardening Club