Harmony Day

Celebrating Harmony Day – Wednesday 22 March
Fairfield Primary School will be celebrating Harmony Day on Wednesday 22 March. Harmony Day is a part of Harmony Week, where Australia’s cultural diversity and multiculturalism is celebrated.
The message of Harmony Day is 'everyone belongs'. It is an inclusive celebration, recognising a sense of belonging for all Australians – from the traditional custodians of the land, to those who have come from many countries around the world.
How will we celebrate Harmony Day?
On Wednesday, students are encouraged to wear orange, the official colour of Harmony Day.
Why orange? Orange has been the Harmony Week colour since the first event was held in 1999. Traditionally the colour orange relates to social communication and meaningful two-way conversations. It also relates to the freedom of thoughts, ideas and encouraging people to develop mutual respect.
On the day Year 6 students will host lunchtime activities for students across the school.
Some of the activities include a disco, making friendship bracelets, designing your own flag, and playing interactive games with a parachute.
See you in orange!