Secondary 9/10

9/10 A
This term, 9/10A have been learning about different body clues and connecting them to emotions and feelings. For our Experience Days, we have been to places including Westerfolds Park, Binnak Park, Macleod YMCA for a yoga session, the MCG Sports Museum and Bounce. These activities encouraged us to identify body clues such as sweaty skin and sore legs, which connected to the emotions of feeling hot and tired. The students also expressed that they felt calm, relaxed and excited during these experiences.
The students have also been using Google Maps to navigate their way to and from a location. We have focused on the different directions as well as how far and long it would take for us to get to and from a location. Additionally, we have been working on sequencing, modelling and renaming 3-digit numbers in maths, working in our Sounds Write groups in reading and expanding our sentences in writing.
What an exciting return to school in Term 1 for 9/10B learners! This term, 9/10B have been learning about a range of different body clues and connecting them to emotions and feelings. For our Experience Days, we have been to places including Binnak Park, Macleod YMCA for yoga, Westerfolds Park, the MCG and National Sports Museum, and Bounce. These activities encouraged us to identify body clues such as sweaty skin and sore legs, which connected to the emotions of feeling hot and tired. The students also expressed that they felt calm, relaxed, happy and excited during these experiences.
The students have also been using Google Maps to navigate their way to and from a location. We have focused on the different directions as well as how far and long it would take for us to get to and from a location. Additionally, we have been working on sequencing and modelling 2-digit and 3-digit numbers in Maths, working in our Sounds Write groups in reading lessons and expanding our sentences in writing lessons. The Sounds Write Program has provided a good routine for learners to build their understanding of their letter sounds and symbols, as well as improve their decoding skills when reading. We’re looking forward to a busy Term 2 after a well earned break!
9/10 C
What a fabulous start to term for our students in 9/10C! This term our students have taken part in a range of different learning experiences both in and out of the classroom. We start our days with stretches and exercise to get energy levels up, so we are ready to learn!
“I have felt challenged by our morning exercises and feeling the pain in the stretch, but I am okay with it!” (By Marie).
In Maths, students have been learning and solidifying their knowledge of place value and unit of measurement. Our students have been using the skills they have learnt to at things around the classroom, estimating their size and then seeing how they measured up, some of our students were very accurate!
“I have enjoyed doing my Maths extension tasks because they’re my favourite” (By Aidan).
In Reading, we have been looking at the text Wonder and students have enjoyed getting to know all the characters and analysing the text. As well as developed our knowledge with our various Guided Reading texts.
“I am a new version of myself, I am working really hard especially with my reading and I’m working on having new skills” (By Sarina)
In Writing, all the students enjoyed taking part in the Gresswell Forest experience and taking in their surroundings and using this to further their descriptive writing.
“I like the Gresswell because it was calm and quiet, and I liked being in the community” (By Kira).
“I enjoyed listening to the birds at the forest it helped my writing” (By Trey).
The students have enjoyed taking part in our extracurricular activities such as Fit for Life, STEAM and their electives. The students have enjoyed getting to choose these activities and develop their relationships with a wider range of peers and skills outside the curriculum.
“In STEAM, it has been good to learn different skills such as gardening and helping to make the school greener” (By Jasper).
We are very proud of all their hard work this term; we hope everyone enjoys their break and has a well reserved rest. We are looking forward to seeing what Term 2 has in store for 9/10C!
As we approach the end of Term 1, we would like to take this opportunity to update you on the progress of 9/10D. In Maths, our students have been working hard on sequencing, modelling and renaming 3-digit numbers and solidifying learning in the unit of measurement.
In reading, we have been focusing our class novel Wonder and also on our Sounds Write groups, which has helped our students develop their phonics skills and reading fluency. Finally, in writing, our students have been expanding their sentences, which has helped them to communicate their ideas more effectively.
Students have also enjoyed participating in the various extracurricular activities that were available this term, through Fit for Life and electives. These activities have provided students with an opportunity to develop their skills and interests outside of the classroom and to build meaningful relationships with their peers.
We are proud of the progress our students have made in these areas and we would like to thank parents for your continued support. We look forward to working together with you to ensure that our students continue to thrive and reach their full potential. Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday!
Fiona and Jane
Students in 9/10E were asked to reflect on the different experiences they have had this year and share with the Concord community about what they had enjoyed most.
"In STEAM, I have been doing Kitchen Science. It was challenging doing the different experiments and we tried making slime and butter."
- Eileen
"I enjoy Fit for Life because I get to be with my friend Dakoda. We got to go rock climbing and I went to the top of the hardest wall". – Kirsty-Lee
"On Monday afternoon, 9/10E hosted assembly and we talked in front of all the 9/10 students. I spoke into the microphone about Clean Up Australia Day." - Logan
"I have enjoyed spending time with my friends again this year." - Clinton
"I enjoyed doing the bike riding experience on Loyola oval. It was a fun way of thinking about something I could write about in class." – Husien
"I enjoyed going to Gresswell Forest with the 9/10 section. It was fun exploring the forest and doing the activities there." – Bryce
"I have enjoyed trying the new activities available in Year 9/10. I love boxing with Sam in Fit for Life." – Alicia
"I have enjoyed the STEAM Self-care group with Elise. We wrote in our journals and completed arts and crafts. I love it because it is a fun activity to do when I’m not feeling good." – Daniel
"I have enjoyed doing dancing in Fit for Life. It’s fun because I get to move to the music." – Christian
"I have enjoyed playing cricket on the oval at lunch time. It’s been fun to play with students from different classes". - Wyatt
"I have enjoyed doing Music with Justin. We have been learning how to use the keyboard". - Zac
"I have really enjoyed doing Visual Arts with Mark and learning how to use watercolours to paint".
- Dakoda
As we approach the end of Term 1, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the great times that 9/10F have shared. Throughout the term there has been a multitude of curricular and extracurricular activities that the students have participated in, to broaden their scope of learning both in and out of the classroom. Fit For Life, Specialist Electives and STEAM Electives gives our students the opportunity to target their interests and develop new and exciting experiences based on them.
In Maths, our students have been working hard on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction by counting, sequencing, modelling, renaming 3-4 digit numbers and developing various strategies to add and subtract. Students have built their knowledge of length, volume and capacity in the unit of measurement, through measuring formal and informal units.
In reading, we have been focusing our class novel ‘Wonder’, developing their comprehension skills and language development. Finally, in writing, our students have used semantics charts to be able to strengthen their sentence structures in order to write more complex sentences. Our writing focus of poetry have allowed the students to express their creativity through diamante, limericks, acrostic, and rhyming poems.
Our students have also had a great time with our own STEAM sessions building nesting boxes and conducting colourful experiments to fizz and pop.
“9/10F has had a fun term! We went to Gresswell Forest, read Wonder, made foam and we had Clean Up Australia Day”. We learnt about Harmony Day and had a extreme weather day where I got to play Mario Kart” - Matthew
“In Term 1 for Fit For Life, we went to the gym at Watermarc in Greensborough. We used treadmills and weights. It was lots of fun” - Mark
“In Term 1 9/10F did Fit For Life. I really enjoyed La Trobe Sports. I went rock climbing and played soccer. We also took part in Clean Up Australia Day and put lots of rubbish in bags” - Oliver
This is all about the legendary class that is 9/10G. Every morning we start the day with a morning circle. We talk about what went well yesterday, what we are doing today and do a morning greeting. It’s quiet and peaceful in our class. We have a gorgeous view of the trees out the back. Kylie and Alyson are our teachers and Ashlyn is our aide. (by Sam)
The other week we walked to Gresswell Forest and enjoyed it. We felt connected to nature and happy. We sat down and drew what we saw. We went to get out and we used the experience for our descriptive writing.( by Lily)
Poems have been fun to learn about. Some of us have never learnt about them before. I learnt that they can be funny, sad, descriptive and rhyming. ( by Kay)
A fun experience in our class was making orbeez. We put them in a cup and put water in there. They grew because of the water. We played with them and some of us smushed them up. (by Amelie)
Callum and Kay go to Watermarc Gym on Wednesdays. They walk to Grimshaw St and wait for the bus. At the gym they go on the treadmills, bikes, lift weights and go on the machines. Callum enjoys looking at the people swimming and going on the waterslides.( by Callum)
In Maths we have been measuring books, lines and objects in the classroom. We compared our wingspan with Micheal Jordan’s. We have also been doing place value and learning about hundreds, tens and ones. Some of us have been working with numbers all the way up to millions! (by Fiorella)
We have been reading the book Wonder this term. It is about a boy Auggie who has lots of scars on his face from so many surgeries. He is going to school for the first time. (by Ahmad)
I have enjoyed staying in our classroom for STEAM. The topic is kitchen science with Alyson, who is our teacher on Thursday and Friday. So far we have made icecream, ooblek and did an experiment with Oreos. (by Billy)
We’ve had such a great time in 9/10H this term, so I thought I’d let the boys tell you all about it in their own words! "- Elise
This term in 9/10 H we have a good class area outside. We have a garden and a table to eat our lunch on. It is nice, peaceful, relaxing and sunny. All the students like to muck around outside and sometimes it is a spot to calm down. All the students like to yell and have fun. But most of all the students like to listen to the woosh of the wind. - Lachie H
We went to Gresswell Forest. I did a scavenger hunt. It was very interesting. We were watching the birds chirping. I saw a cool kangaroo and a koala.- Dom
A Poem About Gresswell Forest
Massive, tall,
Jumping, eating, hunting
Huge, fast, strength, shelter. - Engelo
We had a bike riding challenge. It was very fun pumping my legs. I was exhausted, tired and happy. I was as tired as my bulldogs. I felt like a champion when I was balancing the bike. - Diesel
This term in 9/10 H I enjoyed the taste testing. We tried things such as food, soft drinks, fruit and spreads. Jackson was my partner. First, I had jam. It went on my clothes. Next I had vegemite, it tasted disgusting. Last I had honey, it was very slimy. - Michael A
This term we did ‘Clean Up Australia Day’. We held some colourful buckets and gloves and we went to Loyola to clean up the disgusting oval. In my opinion it was very stupid because how the oval is still covered in rubbish. During the clean up we had a lot of teamwork and heard birds chirping. - James
Occupational Therapist: Jonathan Marshall
Students in the 9/10 section have had an amazing term and have enjoyed engaging in new and exciting activities to develop their awareness of their bodies and build upon their self-regulation and social emotional skills.
Speech Therapist: Renae Gates
It has been an awesome start to the year in the 9/10 section. It has been great to work with students across the section in reading and writing sessions. Renae has also enjoyed supporting the students to extend their vocabulary around the discovery topics this term, by explaining what our bodies can do with increasing verb knowledge and describing how our bodies can feel using a wider range of adjectives in different contexts. Well done 9/10!