Cross Country

Cross Country - Volunteers Required

Whole school Cross Country


 On Thursday 6th April, we will be running our whole school cross country event. The event will run from 9.30am -12.00pm at Mitcham Primary School and Halliday Park for the senior students.  More information will be provided closer to the event. 


For this event to run, I need the assistance of parent/carer volunteers to help with being checkpoints during the races. Any volunteers will need to have completed the parent training course and have provided the school office with a copy of their Working with Children Check. I am hoping that volunteers will only need to provide support for some of the time, if we are able to get enough volunteers. 


It would be wonderful to have some junior school parents available to assist so that the parents of the senior students can watch their child's race. 


If you are available to help please email Miss Ellis.