A message from the Principal

Our new School Councillors

Following our recent call for nominations for parent members of School Council, I am happy to confirm that five parents have been elected to fill the parent Councillor vacancies.


As the number of nominations matched the number of vacancies, we have been able to confirm these appointments without the need for a ballot of all parents.


We welcome back Elisa Webb (our current School Council president and parent of Orlo in 1/2A) and Alex McCall (parent of Piper in 5/6M) who have renominated after their previous terms came to an end.


We also welcome Rowena Fitzgerald (parent of Remy in 1/2A), Arundhati Teli (parent of Avi in 3/4B) and David Williams (parent of Willow in 3/4B) to School Council for the first time.


Many of you will know some or all of our new councillors due to their involvement at the school over several years and I am looking forward to the skills, experience, and perspectives they will bring to our School Council.


They join our wonderful continuing School Councillors to make our 15-person Council. The parents who were elected in 2022 and will complete their 2-year terms this year are Mathew Saliba (parent of Jack in 1/2S and Chloe in 3/4PC) and Hannah Lawson (parent of Beatrix 5/6M), Kaisu Tonkyra (parent of Miia in 3/4PC) and Hannah Liddeaux (parent of Dash in 1/2S and Judah in 5/6S).


Also serving on our Council are four staff members - myself (as executive officer), Michelle Bove, Chantel Jose, Natalie Gallucci and another, yet to be elected staff member.


The Council is completed by a representative from SKiPPA, our Parent's Association. 


All government schools in Victoria have a school council. They are legally constituted bodies made up of parents and staff working together to set and monitor the broad direction of a school. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students. 


The New School Councillors will formally join Council at our next meeting on Wednesday 5th April at 6:30pm.


This meeting also serves as our Annual General Meeting and includes the public presentation of our Annual Report to the School Community - an opportunity for us to present a wide range of school data from 2022, share our successes and reflect on progress made and goals still to work towards. 


We would love to invite all of our parents and carers to attend this and share in the presentation. Beyond this, almost all Council meetings are 'open' and parents or carers are always welcome to come along and have the ability to ask questions or speak with the permission of the meeting chair (our School Council President). 


Neil Scott
