IRC News 

IRC Leaders 2023





Riaz Maan



I am Riaz and I chose to be an IRC Leader because I found that volunteering to be an IRC Leader is an excellent opportunity to give back to the community and help others. It's also a way to gain experience and build leadership skills. As a book lover, the chance to work in a library is incredibly fulfilling, and monitoring ensures that the library is well maintained for everyone to enjoy. Being a library leader also provides the opportunity to interact with others, share knowledge, and be communal while promoting a love of reading and education.





Ananya Ananda




The IRC is a creative space of never-ending stories and quiet, secluded place for study. It’s a place for busy minds, social interactions and an area for unity. The IRC assists students to help prosper in not only their studies but their sense of inclusivity and prior knowledge through the multitude of events organized by members of the IRC. This is why I chose to be an IRC leader. It is a place that accommodates all, from those who want to get lost in a story to those who may need the time to complete school tasks. In addition, the IRC assisted me to integrate myself into the Nossal community and to have a leadership position, which aligned to my interests of reading and writing. It gives me an opportunity to discover new books, authors and assists in diversifying my reading genres. As an IRC Leader, my aim is to support the promotion of the reading culture at Nossal and advertise about the Literature Circle Book Club to increase participation.





Sanjana Shankar




Hey there! I’m Sanjana from Year 10, and to answer, “Why I chose to be IRC leader?” in simplest terms, I love reading books. As cheesy as it sounds, I believe each story has something great to offer and there is always an adage associated for us to take something out from. I have always admired Nossal Library as it mounts two storeys of carefully selected picks, that are all meticulously ordered and taken care of. I now realise, a lot of time and efforts go into the process, and decided I’d like to contribute as my love of reading with my organizational skills, which could put me right position for this role. As a current leader now, I don’t intend on changing too much about the system, since I’m sure a lot of thought and process went in from previous leaders to make the place what it is now. However, I would love to assist IRC Leaders in making the place more engaging, and welcoming. In addition to that, encourage people to venture into reading!





Jacob Chu




The main reason I chose to become an IRC leader was to support my passion for reading at Nossal. I'll get the opportunity to learn a lot about the library and to help maintain a welcoming environment for all users. What I love most about being an IRC leader is interacting with people at the circulation desk and answering to their queries.  It was a daunting experience at first, but once I received my training on the Library Management System, I was at ease. The services I could improve are the tidiness of shelves and placement of books. Some books are hidden behind other books, or they are placed flat on the shelf. I try to place these books back in their original places. Overall, it is an enjoyable and fun experience. 





Peter Ge




Hi, my name is Peter Ge and the reason why I wished to work in the IRC is because I enjoy the responsibilities of being an IRC leader. It can be challenging yet also very enjoyable working in the library. The library of Nossal High School is a quiet space where anyone can be calm and focus on their work, and I wish to maintain this space as best as I can so everyone can enjoy using our wonderful library.





Pahal Dandiya




As IRC leaders, we have been able to leverage our knowledge, skills, and experience in the field of library and information science to make a positive impact on the Nossal community. This role comes with numerous responsibilities, including managing students for aid and engaging with the greater school community. The IRC at Nossal High School is a vibrant hub where students gather to study in groups or individually.  As IRC leaders, we take pride in our role by assisting the IRC staff and find it rewarding when students give positive feedback on services provided by the IRC Team. While the IRC is currently an excellent facility at Nossal High School, there is always room for improvement. As IRC leaders, we are committed to promoting reading among students. While there are already excellent clubs such as the Creative Writing and Literature Circle Clubs that encourage reading, writing and learning, we can improve further by encouraging more students to read, which would help them improve their English skills and foster a love for reading that can benefit them for life.





Sanjana Sathish




I have been an IRC Leader since 2022 and take great pride in carrying out my duties as a leader. Being an IRC leader is more than just organizing or shelving books, it requires dedication and commitment for problem solving and organising events such as the secondhand book sale and transforming the library environment to make it inviting and safe for the school community.  The role challenges me to work with my fellow IRC leaders to coordinate Book Week and organise displays based on the annual theme. I also enjoy attending Literature Circle Book Club where students as well as staff discuss books and share their opinions. This year, I would like to ensure that the library continues to be a quiet and productive space for students to focus on their work.






Yuniazah Yakoob



Being greatly passionate about all literature, I knew I would love to spend time in the IRC more than anything, especially if I am productive and beneficial to the overall organisation of its resources and facilities. Despite my previous experience in several inter-school initiatives in the library with my peers, I was amazed by Nossal’s excellent systems regarding loans and returns, both efficient in its purpose but also easy to navigate for newcomers.  Additionally, I find all the IRC Leaders very supportive and ready to help out with any queries or challenges in relation to my duties in the IRC. Considering my personal contributions, I could definitely encourage more students to join the Literature Circle Book Club as we are all here to share our passion for literature.