English News 

'Much Ado About Nothing'

On Thursday 9 March,  Eagle's Nest Theatre Group provided the Mainstream English cohort with an insightful performance of William Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing'. This performance enriched everyone's knowledge of the play, as the Eagle's Nest group performed scenes for the audience in various point of views to help us develop an understanding. As a student, I believe that watching the play showed us elements of characterisation, and how different people can express their creativity when performing. 


Collectively, the audience consisting of both teachers and students, found the performance humorous and entertaining as actors were heavily engaged with us during their production, the interactions they had with the audience made us feel more involved in their arts. The actors held a question and answer panel after their performance, which allowed students to ask questions and develop a further understanding behind the directing, hence understanding the different perceptions people hold about 'Much Ado About Nothing'. It was evident that the group of five were very courteous with one another and utilised each other to create an entertaining project for students. From their interactions with the audience as well as each other, it was clear that they were so passionate towards what they do, which made their performance just as enticing to watch. 


On behalf of the Mainstream English Cohort, I am honoured to thank the Eagle's Nest Theatre Group for their spectacular performance, every individual who has watched the performance is very grateful towards the insight that they have provided. As well as that, I want to thank the teachers of the Mainstream English department for allowing us to achieve the most efficient knowledge of 'Much Ado About Nothing' and providing these resources for the students.


Sithuli Premawardane - OA7