Our Staff

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” (William Butler Yeats)


Interview with Heath Matheson (in case you missed it last week down the bottom!)

Welcome to Mount Beauty Secondary College.  Are you ready for your first official “grilling”? 

 Sigh. I guess so 

What subjects do you teach here? 

This year I’ve been teaching Year 8A Maths and have just taken over from Mr Flower, teaching Year 11 Chemistry 

When did you start teaching here? 

Way back in 2005 as a graduate student. It was pretty hard to pick me out from the Year 12’s 

What do you love about maths? 

It has a concrete right or wrong answer.  

What do you hate about maths? 

Finding a real-life purpose for dividing fractions.  

Best subject at MBSC? 

Easy - Snowsports 

Do you have a favourite mathematical formula/equation? 

The derivative formula. It’s just so simple but so powerful 

If you were a dog, what breed of dog would you be and why? 

Huski – I love singing badly while running through the snow. 

Favourite joke (G rated!) 

Well, since I’ve just switched from teaching maths to chemistry, I’ve been trying chemistry jokes in class. But so far I can’t get a reaction.  


Most disgusting thing you have eaten? 

I used to go on a lot of multi day horse trail rides. One morning, in the middle of nowhere, there was no milk for breakfast. Fortunately, one of the mares was lactating so I milked her straight on my weetbix. It tasted warm and fresh.  

If you could only wear one colour shirt for the rest of your life, what colour would it be? 


Country you would like to visit next 

Ngarinyin Country would be great. (Kimberly region) 

Pepsi or Coke? 

Pepsi for sure but I now prefer my caffeine more pure.  

What would you do if you found a tiger in your classroom? 

Start singing Roar by Katy Perry 

Best study tip for students? 

Try not to fall behind. It’s really hard to catch up 

If you were stranded on Mt Everest which famous reality-tv star would you want to have with you and why? (and you can’t say none! 🤣) 

What is this reality TV you speak of? I’d like to spend my last day with Bandit from Bluey. I think we’d get on well.  

Most interesting scientific discovery of this century? 

Crispr technique of genetic modification. It’s so easy we could nearly do it here at school.  

If you were offered a free trip to space by Elon Musk would you accept?  

Absolutely – provided it was quite short and a return trip. 

What are you listening to? 

Fitzroy Diaries Podcast by Lauren Clarke 

What are you reading? 

Rosie Project 

Favourite ski mountain? 


Best ski run in the world? 

I will keep searching for this one.  

What do you enjoy most about working here at Mount Beauty Secondary College? 

The food at birthday Morning Teas in the staff room 

We finish the interview and you step outside the office and find a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million. What would you do? 

Tick off some adventures like heli and cat skiing in Cananda and some family adventures. I’d also try and live everyday life fossil fuel free.