
The Weekly Edit

We hope you enjoyed the extra-long weekend and the beautiful start to Autumn.  


Today, as staff we completed valuable training on emotional preparedness, designed to develop our understanding and skills to be emotionally prepared in the event of a natural disaster.

"The benefits of preparedness are immeasurable and invaluable to a recovering community and its members, and it's important that all elements of preparedness are addressed.  There are many long term impacts of a disaster and in order to reduce them, our preparation must begin long before the disaster strikes"

We also worked to complete emotional preparedness action plans: Ready, Response, Recovery.  Thank you to the Department and the Resilience and Recovery branch for providing this training.


This week is a short week and the start of NAPLAN testing for Years 7 and 9, as outlined in the Principal's Report.  The dates for upcoming parent-teacher interviews (conferences) are also outlined and recognition of the upcoming National Close the Gap Day.


Our Acting Assistant Principal, Sarah Laidlaw outlines some important issues here at school and talks about reviewing our school values.


Our Super Maths Coordinator Jarrah Brennan has given us a sneaky maths problem to solve this week....she says it's only at 7/8 maths level....but give it a go!  


In student news we have some AWESOME pics of our MTB'ers at Thredbo - just.....wow.  Such talent.


In case you missed it last week we have included a light-hearted interview with staff member Heath Matheson in the 'our staff' page.


Happy reading & enjoy your (short) week!