From the Senior School

The Hamilton and Alexandra College Acting Principal - Miss Kristen Waldron

In assembly this week I reminded all students that they should feel safe at school, including the Boarding House, school buses and when they are involved in co-curricular activities. Our staff are here for support and to turn to if students need help or advice. Students were also reminded of the pastoral team - mentors, Heads of House, Head of Middle Years and Senior Years - who can answer any questions and who form an important part of their support network. 

Standards of behaviour for students attending College

Every school has standards of behaviour for students in place to make the school as safe as possible for all students. The guidelines exist so that students are able to enjoy learning in a secure environment. They also ensure people don’t have to worry about being judged for problems at home.


What are the standards?

As a school we are kind, compassionate and respect that every child has a right to learn and feel safe.

Healthy, respectful relationships (including sexuality) and Resilience

Students should be able to communicate to their teachers and their peers in order to source support and become more resilient.


I know what a healthy relationship is:

  • I should feel happy, safe, cared for, a sense of purpose, that I am heard, and supported.
  • I should also have a voice and authority in decisions affecting me.

Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention

When I feel unsafe this means that I:

  • Am uncomfortable, think I am at risk of danger, have been/could be at harm and uncertain of the future.
  • May feel anxious, worried, helpless and/or scared.

It is important to have people to contact if you feel unsafe.

Who might be in your support network?

Who to contact if you feel unsafe…

  • A trusted adult
  • Kids Helpline
  • Our School Counsellor
  • If the situation gets really bad, go to the police

Use the 5-finger method. Count on your fingers the people you would feel comfortable talking to.


If you have questions, you can contact…

  • Your Mentor
  • Your Head of House
  • Mr Hawthorne, Miss Reiher or Miss Waldron
  • Any teacher you feel comfortable talking to
  • Our School Counsellor, Mrs Rovers