The Arrowsmith Program 








Parents of students with learning deficits will know too well the heartbreak and sometimes despair at watching their children struggle with learning. Despite continued efforts for tutoring, input from specialists and incredible support and positivity from parents, students with learning deficits will rarely get to experience success.


By focusing on cognitive exercises that are achievable for the students, the Arrowsmith Program allows students to experience success at various levels of cognition.

In both classes, we have been celebrating student masteries in Motor Symbol sequencing, Symbolic thinking and clocks to name a few. When a student masters a level, the class applauds, and the student beams with joy and pride as we celebrate their achievement.


Recently, Oakleigh Grammar hosted the Middle and Senior School Athletics day at Duncan McKinnon reserve. It was great to see many students participating in track and field events. One student who participated in many events was Zoe Pidgeon. Here she is proudly displaying a ribbon from one of her events. 


Mr Wayne Stagg

Head of the Arrowsmith Program