The children at the ELC have had a positive start to the term. They have been building relationships with the Educators with each other. Children have established themselves to be curious, explorative learners. The children have been embracing our learning language program with Miss Elli and they have been participating in cultural activities, dancing, music, Arts and history. 


A highlight has been the children connecting together to become a learning community. All the kindergarten classes have a focus on kindness, being respectful to our peers, teachers and our community. The Kindergarten classes have supported this through stories, conversations, role play.


The ELC has transitioned to a new software called Xplor to support a smoother transition in enrolments and communication between the ELC and our ELC community. During the term break from 11 April to 9 May, the ELC outdoor play spaces will undergo a renovation to all three yards, which is very exciting for the children and families on their return from the term break. 


With the end of term fast approaching, we wish everyone a safe and restful break and look forward to having a busy Term 2.


Angelique Bromley 

Head of Early Learning Centre