Chaplain's Corner 









My Beloved Parents and Students,


It is such a blessing for me to be part of our School. It has been wonderful to see students at church services but also attending the sacrament of confession to prepare themselves to receive Holy Communion.


It is yet another joy for me to be able to share some humble thoughts with you as we approach the great and Holy Feast of Pascha, I would like to remind you all of the significance of this. I would like to encourage all of you to come and see, be part of our parish and community to follow Christ to the Cross and His Glorious Resurrection.


Here is a visual summary of Holy Week and some videos for you all to watch to begin to gain an appreciation for the Great Love Christ has shown for us.

Part 1 -


Part 2 -



On behalf of our Archbishop Makarios, our Bishop Kyriakos and our Parish and Community I wish you a blessed Holy Week. I look forward to seeing you all at church so together we can proclaim “Christ is Risen” ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΣΕΣΤΗ! Καλή Ανάσταση – Blessed Easter to all


Rev. Fr Stavros Kakavas