






Commemoration of Greek Independence Day


Greek Independence Day falls on 25 March and has been celebrated annually since the end of the Greek Revolution.  It is also known as the Celebration of the Greek Revolution, and honours the Greeks' fight for freedom after being occupied by the Ottoman Empire for over 400 years.  On the same day, we celebrate the Annunciation of the Theotokos (Ευαγγελισμός της Θεοτόκου).  Each year, Greeks all over the world celebrate this special day by participating in different events dedicated to this double celebration.


In Melbourne, for an entire week, the students of Oakleigh Grammar School proudly participated in a number of special events organised by different Greek organisations. 


On Saturday 18 March, students from Senior School, including the School Captains and the Vice Captains, attended the official ceremony for the Greek-Australian Commemoration Service.  Principal of the school, Mr. Mark Robertson, and the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Chris Damatopoulos, accompanied the students to this special event which was organised by the Victorian Council of Greek National Day. 


On Sunday 19th of March, after three years, the Greek Parade took place at the Lakeside Stadium.  In the morning, the Year 12 students attended the official Doxology which was conducted by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia at the Cathedral of St. Eustathios in South Melbourne.  In the afternoon the whole Oakleigh Grammar community participated at the Greek Parade.  Students proudly marched by raising the flags of their two homelands and by singing the National Anthems of Australia and Greece.


On Friday, March 24, Junior School held a special assembly in the afternoon celebrating the 202nd anniversary of the beginning of the Greek Revolution. Parents and grandparents were invited to watch our young students performing some amazing songs from each year level. 


On Saturday 25th of March, a group of Year 10 students attended different events dedicated to Greek Independence Day.  Students attended the Flag Raising Ceremony at the Federation Square. The event was organised by the Victorian Council of Greek National Day.  StudentS had the opportunity to admire the Greek flag in the heart of Melbourne. At the end of the event, students sang the Greek and Australian National Anthems.  Following the Flag Raising Ceremony, students attended the Doxology at the Cathedral of St. Eustathios in South Melbourne.  In the afternoon, students were invited to attend a wreath-laying ceremony organised by the Hellenic RSL Sub Branch.  Students Helen Kousourakis and Alexander Korlos laid a wreath at the Australian-Hellenic Memorial.  Also, Eleni Koutsandonis, together with Mattea Georges, laid a wreath on behalf of Oakleigh Grammar at the Shrine of Remembrance.


A second group of students attended the Divine Liturgy and the Doxology that took place at the Greek Orthodox Church of St Anargiri in Oakleigh.  The students proudly held the flags high, paying tribute to the heroes of 1821.  The school choir also participated in the Liturgy. 


On Sunday, 26th of March, the Australian Greek Exservicemen’s Association INC hosted its official commemorative service for the Greek Independence at the Holy Monastery Axion Estin in Northcote. Students attended the Doxology and the wreath-laying ceremony at the Greek Memorial.  Nathanael Anastasiou from Year 9 laid a wreath of behalf of Oakleigh Grammar.


Congratulations to all students who represented Oakleigh Grammar and participated to all these significant events by celebrating proudly this important day for all Greeks around the world.


Natasha Spanos

Hellenic Culture Coordinator