Parents and Friends



Get off Google Classrooms, put away your books and shake off the covid blues! 

We hope you’re ready to be a part of the very first Virtual Discos at SFS! 


We were blown away by the huge response – the junior disco is at capacity and the senior disco is almost full too. 

The kids are going to have a great time with dancing, music and lots of laughs! We are sure it will be a night, and afternoon, to remember!


Seniors, tonight is the night!! 

Senior Disco: Friday 4th September - 7:30 pm


Juniors, your disco is only 1 sleep away!!

Junior Disco: Saturday 5th September - 1:00 pm


To access the Virtual Disco, please click on the Zoom meeting link which was emailed to you.


Important reminder for Juniors: We are going to play two super fun games, so make sure you have one balloon blown up and a piece of newspaper.


If you have two juniors, can you please log-in using one device so that we can make sure everyone can access the disco. Please don’t share the link that has been emailed to you with anyone else as there are limited spots available.


Just a reminder to all parents that the disco will be recorded and parental supervision is required.



Congratulations to all the kids who completed the MS Readathon Challenge this month! 

Together, we have smashed our goal and raised $1,735 for MS Family Camps!!




A very special shout out to our top 3 fundraisers


Ella L (AM), 

Evangeline P (SR)  

Claudia A (EM)


Thank you for getting behind this great cause and having fun with reading throughout August. Our SFS community is amazing! 


We need YOU to volunteer to be a MYSTERY READER at SFS! 


It’s a great guessing game for the kids.


All you have to do is:

  1. Record yourself reading a favourite children’s book
  2. Send your video along with 5 clues about your identity to

The mystery reader segment is always very popular with SFS kids. We can’t do it in the classroom this year so we are making it digital and bringing it into the Google Classroom. Shh…don’t tell your kids….it’s a mystery for them to solve!!


Thought for the day…

P & F Committee