Learning and Teaching



Art Club - Monday, 7th September at 2.30pm

Feathered Friend
Feathered Friend




You will be creating a feathered friend - see this example.  You will need a piece of paper and some coloured pencils/textas.  

Join Louise on Google Meets Art.



Another busy week for our students and family members keeping active during lockdown. It’s very important that we continue to be active during remote learning and it’s great to see families being active together. A big thank you to all the parents who sent in photos of the junior and senior students keeping active during remote learning. 


Unfortunately I have not been able to put in the videos due to my computer not allowing me to create the link I need for the newsletter. Perhaps if you just send me photos from now on.  

Another way for our students to keep active through activities provided by School Sport Victoria. Would love to see some photos of the Virtual Track and Field.

School Sport Victoria have just posted a Virtual Track and Field to encourage students to become active. The link for these activities is: https://ssv.vic.edu.au/Pages/SSVVirtualTrackandField.aspx?_sm_au_=iVVtvsnt3M26fQ372QFQvK0q44FRJ


Parents please ensure you are aware and agree with any challenge your child participates in and keep to the Stage 4 restrictions.


Stay safe and we look forward to seeing everyone when restrictions are lifted.

Giuliana & Lulli



This week the Seniors had the chance to make their own Spoonville characters to add to our Spoonville community outside the gate near the rainbow playground. They did a great job and we had a variety of characters. I have included a few examples of what students came up with. As you can see they did a great job!!


Well done Seniors!!!


Abbie H
Abby C
Fawaz K
Isabella A
Gabriel H
Abbie H
Abby C
Fawaz K
Isabella A
Gabriel H
Jonathan S
Isabella F
Denis B
Joshua G
Jonathan S
Isabella F
Denis B
Joshua G


Lachlan G
Kian Mc
Lily W
Harrison R
Mia F
Luanne P
Orin C
Lachlan G
Kian Mc
Lily W
Harrison R
Mia F
Luanne P
Orin C

Italian News



Thanks to everyone who has sent in their wonderful creations. It is AMAZING to see what talented people we have in the SFS community. 


IT IS NOT TO0 LATE to send in your photo. I’m sure with Father’s Day on the way we might see some cooking that might happen over the weekend!!! Maybe breakfast for dad/ special people in our life.


Please email your labelled photo to Silvana by Monday 7th September.



We will showcase these creations in the last week of term.


Gioca Jouer – Italian action song

Grazie to all the senior students that came on google meets during their 

Italian time this week. We had a bit of fun with the Italian action song Gioca Jouer.


Group AP - Action: Superman
Group AP - Action: Superman


Group CW - Action: Dormire
Group CW - Action: Dormire
Group MA - Action: Spray
Group MA - Action: Spray
Group RA - Action: Okey
Group RA - Action: Okey
Group SD - Action: Okey
Group SD - Action: Okey
Group AL - Action: Superman
Group AL - Action: Superman

Silvana Pansino

Italian Teacher
