From the Principal

Bless Our Fathers

Heavenly Father,

Today we ask You to bless our fathers for the many times they reflected the love, strength, generosity, wisdom and mercy that You exemplify in Your relationship with us, our children.


We honor our fathers for putting our needs above their own convenience and comfort; for teaching us to show courage and determination in the face of adversity; for challenging us to move beyond self-limiting boundaries; for modeling the qualities that would turn us into responsible, principled, caring adults.


We ask your blessing on those men who serve as father figures in our lives when our biological fathers are not able to.


We pray that our fathers who have passed into the next life have been welcomed into Your loving embrace, and that our family will one day be reunited in your heavenly kingdom.

Bless Our Fathers today and every day.


We hope our dads/Grandads enjoy some lovely, funny messages from our Juniors


BODYWORKS- Human Development Program Information Zoom for parents of Yr 5 & 6 students


Dear Year 5 and 6 Parents, you are invited to participate in our inaugural ZOOM Information session for parents of Year 5 and 6 students. The information session will be facilitated by Amanda Parsons from Bodyworks.


We will be introducing the Bodyworks Human Development program for Year 5 and 6 students in Term 4, 2020 and we want parents to be informed about the content and to work in partnership to ensure the best outcomes for your child's learning.


The ZOOM Meeting for parents will be held on Wednesday 9th September, 7-8pm.

The meeting link is on the eform in OPEROO (Formerly CareMonkey). 

Please RSVP by this weekend.


Managing Student illness in School during COVID

As we get ready for a possible return to school in Term 4. Please see the fact sheet regarding managing student illness. Working together we will keep everyone as safe as possible.

Riding the Corona Coaster

We are nearly there!! Hang on tight everyone.....

We hope those numbers come plummeting down.....

We look forward to our Premier giving us an escape plan really soon.....

Meanwhile remember....

Put on your own oxygen mask on first and invest in your own wellbeing

We have got this!


 Dr Carr-Gregg provides tips for parents/carers on looking after their wellbeing during this challenging time.




A very Happy Father's Day. Spring is in the air! Enjoy the weekend and stay safe.


Christine White