ADF Update

ADF Update
Dear members of the Defence Force Community at Viewbank College.
As you are all aware the return to Remote Learning for students began on Monday 20th July for students in Years 7-10. As with our Term 2 Remote Learning, I will be making regular contact with our students on Microsoft Teams. I encourage all students to respond to these checks either by video link or email. I understand that learning from home can present a number of issues and I intend to assist where possible with learning and counselling as the need arises.
Because of remote learning, I have decided to run a competition for our students, two prizes consisting of JB vouchers will be made available. The quiz questions can be found on the Teams ADF page, answers must be submitted by 24th July.
I will also be putting some materials on our Teams page related to Exam preparation and tips to assist when sitting exams. Should any students in Year 12 be thinking of applying for SEAS because of hardship, you need to talk to me as soon as possible. The process can be time consuming. I encourage parents to contact me where personal circumstances change especially in relation to deployment or the intention to transit to civilian life. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at the college.
Kind Regards
Michael Walton