Senior School News

From the Year 12 Level Leader
Dear Year 12 community,
Firstly, I would like to thank all of the students for their cooperation with; having their temperature taken, washing their hands and wearing masks. Thank you all for helping to look out for one another.
Secondly, I would like to thank the students who have stayed home due to showing symptoms, I know that his causes extra disruptions to their learning, thank you for your perseverance.
In this time of uncertainty, I am glad that they have been able to spend this period with their friends, so that they can come together as a community of learners. Even if coming together means standing further apart.
The school is here to ensure that all of our students have an equal opportunity to achieve success, with that said, if you, or your students need extra support please let us know and we will be here to help you.
We are all in this together and we will only be able to succeed if we continue to work together and continue to work for one another.
Please stay safe.
Best Regards,
Dean Bettiol
Year 12 Level Leader
Phone: (03) 8458 2816
Key dates
- Subject Selection Q&A session via Webex – Tuesday July 28
- Acceleration 2021 application due via Google form – Wednesday July 29
- Unit 3 ends – Friday July 31 and Unit 4 begins – Monday August 3
- Subject Selection WebChoices opens – Friday August 7
- Year 12 Guest Speaker – Ross Huggard – Tuesday August 11
- Subject Selection WebChoices closes – Thursday August 13
Updated Compass Letter:
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
I hope you are well and looking after yourselves, and each other, during this extraordinary time.
The health and safety of our community is always our first priority and we will continue to follow the advice of the Health Department in the best interests of our students, staff and community. Despite the many challenges faced by so many of us, the last couple of weeks has brought out the best in our students.
Thank you to the Captains who organised Silly Sock Day today to lift spirits and bring some much needed fun and colour into what has been a very grim winter. It was also extremely heartening to see all students don their masks, as mandated by the Victorian government. Interestingly, I saw lots of footy coloured/logo socks but no footy coloured masks, or any other mask-homage to beloved sports teams! Now there’s an idea for any enterprising sewers out there….
VCE classes will be held on site every day. Whilst on site, we encourage all students to keep observing the hygiene practices and protocols put in place regarding social distancing requirements, routine cleaning of desks, daily temperature checks, and the wearing of masks.
Please read below for a reminder of some key requirements.
- On site learning - if you are able to attend, you must attend. Do not expect a remote learning experience that will be similar to a school learning experience. If you have any concerns about being on site please speak to Ms Olsen or Mr Bettiol.
- Attendance – students are expected to attend their scheduled classes. Rolls will be marked every lesson as per usual. If a student is absent, without a note or medical certificate, this will go against their VCE% Attendance.
- SAC/SATs – will be held on site during class time. If you are absent on the day of a SAC or final SAT submission date, you must provide a medical certificate in order to be considered for a Make-Up SAC session.
- Make-Up SAC sessions – will continue to be held Wednesdays and Thursdays afterschool in C3/C4. A pink form needs to be completed, along with medical documentation, and this needs to be approved by Ms Olsen or Mr Bettiol.
- Careers/Pathways - Ms Perkins will be working on site every day. The best way to get a conversation started is to book an appointment time via the Careers website. Alternatively, you can message her, or Ms Peck, via Teams to work out the next steps.
- Wellbeing – we are aware that this second phase of lockdown is affecting students and we want to offer as much wellbeing and emotional support as we can. Please ask for help if you need it. If you’ve noticed any changes in your, or others’ demeanour, please contact Ms Olsen or Mr Bettiol, or Mr Munro.
Again, I thank you for your understanding and support. I will keep you informed of any changes if and when they become available. If you have any further questions, or you are concerned about on site learning, please contact your relevant Level Leader.
Thank you,
Sue Calder
Senior Years Leader