Important Dates:

College Calendar
The College Calendar is updated on a regular basis and can be found on our website under the News/Events (at the bottom of the page) and then by clicking the Calendar/Term Dates link.
Monday 27th July
Year 9 into 10 Subject Expo - Parent and Student Q & A (online) 6.30pm
Tuesday 28th July
Year 9 into 10 Subject Expo - Parent and Student Q & A (online) 6.30pm
Year 10 into Subject Expo - Parent and Student Q and A (online) 6.30pm
Wednesday 29th July
Facilities Committee Meeting 6pm
Friday 31st July
VCE Unit 3 ends
Monday 3rd August
VCE Unit 4 begins
Wednesday 5th August
Finance Committee Meeting 6.30pm
College Council Meeting 7pm
Friday 7th August
Subject Selection Webchoices Open (Yr 10 and 11)
Monday 10th August
Year 8 Careers Day and Subject Selection Webchoices Open
Tuesday 11th August
Year 12 Guest Speaker - Ross Huggard
Thursday 13th August
Subject Selection Webchoices (Years 10 and 11) close 4pm
Friday 14th August
Year 9 into 10 Subject Selection Interviews (no Year 9 classes today)
Subject Selection Webchoices (Year 9) open
Monday 17th August
Year 12 College Captain (2021) process begins
Subject Selection Webchoices (Year 8 and Year 9) close at 4pm
Thursday 20th August
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences - student free day
Friday 21st August
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences - student free day