Club Kids

Providing opportunities for the children to engage in fun activities during lunch time. 


Finding Checkmate with a Queen and a Rook
Finding Checkmate with a Queen and a Rook

The Chess Club is open to all interested Year 3/4 students during Friday snack time this term. It has been wonderful to see such enthusiasm from the students! 


All players are welcome, including experienced players and those with little experience. The more experienced students have paired up with less experienced buddies to assist each other with the rules.


Our budding chess players have been learning new strategies to use in their games.

Trying to stalemate the opponent
Trying to stalemate the opponent

 These have included:

  • checkmate with two rooks
  • checkmate with a queen and a rook
  • stalemate with two rooks
  • stalemate with a queen and a rook

Checkmate is when the king is under attack and cannot escape (the attacking player wins the game). Stalemate is when the opponent cannot move anywhere, but their king is not under attack (draws the game).


We will continue learning new strategies, including checkmating with knights and bishops. Stay tuned for more chess news!


Checkmate with two Rooks
Where can my King escape to now?
Checkmate with two Rooks
Where can my King escape to now?


Miss Serena Jordan-Munro

Year 1/2 Classroom Teacher and Chess Enthusiast