What's Happening in the Classroom?

Junior School


In Term 4, students in Prep have been preparing for their transition into Year 1 in 2023. Their primary focus has been on becoming good role models for others and stretching how they challenge themselves to progress and grow in their learning. This learning ties in particularly well to this term’s Inquiry and Religious Education Big Question, ‘How does God’s design help our light to shine?’. Not only are students exploring and wondering about physical light sources such as the sun, a torch or a lantern, but they are also discovering ways that they can be a light to others just as Jesus is a light in our lives. 


In Mathematics, students are beginning a new Measurement and Geometry unit, using the language of comparison to describe objects that are longer, heavier or that hold more. They have also been sorting, naming and matching learned two- and three-dimensional shapes and identifying these within the classroom and schoolyard.


Students in Prep have been working hard to listen to and give helpful feedback within their Literacy learning, particularly in Writing, where they have shown much growth. This process has required students to focus on their Learning Intention and Success Criteria and use these to reflect on the following questions: 

  • What am I aiming to achieve? 
  • How much progress have I made? 
  • What next?

At the beginning of the term, students in Prep completed the School Swimming Program, where they had the opportunity to learn skills and behaviours for being safe in the pool. They travelled by bus to the local Splash Swim School for these lessons, which was very exciting. The Grade 6 students also visited our classroom to lead a Reading lesson which incorporated reading a story and completing a craft activity in response. Last week, the Prep students visited the Community Hub during Wet Day Play, where our Hub Leader, Glenis, spent time painting, making play dough, and playing games with them. What fantastic learning experiences the Prep have had this term!


We look forward to learning about and celebrating the Advent season toward the end of the term, in the lead-up to Christmas. Thank you for your continued support throughout this year - I wish you all a very safe and happy remainder of the school year and summer holiday break.




Miss Marnie Newbound 

Prep Teacher