Principal's Report



We are so excited to be coming together at the end of the school year to celebrate as a whole school community. On Thursday 8th December, we invite all of our families to join us for an evening of celebrations and connection. Our students will be performing in their classes on an outdoor stage. They are rehearsing with commitment and enthusiasm with Mrs Searles and their class teachers in preparation for the night. 

As well as the student performances, Parents and Friends have organised a range of food options that can be purchased on the night. Check out all of the great options available on the flyer in this newsletter. We will also be drawing our Christmas Raffle on the night. There are some incredible prizes already up for grabs including a trampoline, a Nintendo Switch and lots of incredible vouchers from many generous local businesses. Parents and Friends are still on the lookout for any local businesses who would like to help sponsor the concert or donate prizes to the raffle. If you are able to assist, donations can be dropped off at school admin or you can email Parents and Friends at




As was communicated to all families recently, School Council made the decision that we would be transitioning to a new OSHC provider in 2023. I recently met with the team from Big Childcare, including their CEO Ted Hatzakortzian. Ted and his team are honoured to be partnering with our school community and can't wait to engage with you all. Ted will be coming to visit the students at an upcoming assembly and will also be coming along to meet our families at our End of Year Concert. More information will be distributed to families in the very near future around what the handover process looks like and how families will register for 2023. We are also incredibly grateful for Big Childcare donating a Nintendo Switch for our Christmas Raffle...I will definitely be buying a few extra tickets myself now!!




As we draw closer to the end of the school year, I encourage all of our families to do their very best to keep healthy routines for their children, in particular with arriving on time in the mornings. I have noticed an increased number of students arriving after 8:45am. This can be very unsettling for students entering the learning space uncertain of the learning at hand and what the day holds for them. Arriving at 8:35am allows them the chance to unpack calmly, greet their friends and teacher and prepare effectively for the day. 

 We understand that children are becoming a little tired, however we can't emphasise enough the importance of maintaining effective routines in the mornings to get to school on time.