Wednesday 16 November | 7:00pm | The Hywood Room (College Staff Room)
The AGMs of the College Parent Advisory Council (“Council”) and the P&F will be held at the College on Wednesday 16 November 2022 commencing at 7:00pm in the Hywood Room.
In accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Council, four (4) positions will become vacant on the Council as a result of the term of the existing members' expiring. Being eligible, Mrs Tricia Sumich again offers herself for renomination; whilst Mr Steve Cleaver, Mr James Maitland, and Dr Katy Tindall, having completed their maximum terms of office, are not renominating.
Those wishing to nominate for a position on the Council are asked to submit a brief biography of no more than 400 words with their Nomination.
The College is a large and diverse entity and scope exists for a variety of persons possessing differing skill sets to contribute to the ongoing growth and success of the College. The Four Pillars (Spiritual, Academic, Cultural and Sport) are built on the strength of our people. We aspire to be an inclusive organisation where our Council reflects the broader demographic, diversity, and gender balance. Skills in the areas of Building/Architecture, Risk and Compliance, Legal, Strategic Planning, General Management, Information Technology, Marketing, Human Resources, Academia and Accounting will be held in high regard. Equally, those who possess a general will and desire to contribute in any way are also most welcome.
The College’s Strategic Plan for the period 2018-2020, with the one year extension through 2021, provides a good basis for understanding the priorities that were set for the past few years. A copy can be accessed below:
A new Strategic Plan for 2023-2026 is nearing completion and will be released prior to the end of the year.
Enquiries can be made to the College's Director of Finance & Corporate Services, Mr Stephen Martin, by phone on 9246 8268 or by email to The Council operates under the CEWA mandated Terms of Reference which can be found below:
Community members wishing to place an item on the Agenda of the 2022 Council AGM can also contact Mr Martin.
The closing date for nominations and agenda items is 3:00pm, Wednesday 9 November 2022. Late applications and submissions cannot be accepted.
College community members are invited to attend as reports will be provided by the Principal, Council Chairperson, Council Treasurer and P&F Chairperson.
Mr Stephen Martin
Director of Finance & Corporate Services
For and on behalf of the Council