
Year 12 Careers Morning Tea

Time: 10.30am – 11.30am 

Date: Monday 12th December

Venue: Senior School


All Year 12 students are invited to a Careers Morning Tea, an opportunity to celebrate results and receive careers advice.


We will be providing students with light refreshments and a chance to catch up and talk about their post-school pathways. 


Many students in our Year 12 cohort are pursuing apprenticeships and traineeships and are very welcome to attend if you would like some support with applying for, and understanding the employment and study requirements for their chosen industry.


For VCE students considering a university pathway, I am available to support students with understanding their ATAR, course preferencing and how to accept an offer. 


Please email me to make a time from 12pm Monday 12th of December to 3pm Wednesday 14th of December, if you would like to discuss your course preferencing and are unable to make the morning tea or, if would like more time to reflect and discuss your potential study pathways.



VTAC Webinars for VCE Students

Results, Change of Preference and Offers


This year VTAC is running webinars to support students and parents/guardians with understanding results, change of preference and offers.


Webinar 1‘Getting ready for your results – what happens next?’ will focus on providing an in-depth explanation on the process of students receiving their results, changing preferences, and receiving and accepting offers. Dates: Monday 5th December 6-7pm and Thursday 8th December 6-7pm.


Webinar 2‘Getting ready for December round – what happens next? and getting ready for January round – what happens next?’  will focus specifically on preparing students on maximising their preferences for both December and January offer rounds to ensure they get the best possible outcome. They will have a focus on Q&A time to allow all questions to be answered. Dates: December Round Monday 12th December 6-7pm and January Round Wednesday 21st December.


Registration links can be found via the links below:


Year 12 VCE Scored Pathways Students KEY DATES


VTAC VCE Results and ATAR Advice

7am Monday 12th  December, 2022


VTAC Change of Preference Closes 

4pm Wednesday 14th December, 2022


VTAC Course Offers December Round

2pm Wednesday 21st December, 2022


VTAC Course Offers, January Round

2pm, Friday 13th January, 2023.


VTAC Subsequent Round Offers



Courses, ATAR, Scaling and VTAC Support




VTAC Guide to ATAR and Scaling


Changing Your Course Preferences


Year 10 are 11 Students are Welcome to make a Time For a Careers Chat

Speak to or email Ms. Fuller to schedule a Careers chat during Term 4:


BOOK a FREE Meeting with a Careers Practitioner


The National Careers Institute 

The National Careers Institute is a Federal Australian Government agency who are providing advanced support for school leavers. All Australians aged 15-24 are eligible for a free one-on-one, 45-minute career guidance session with a qualified career practitioner through the School Leavers Information Service. The information service is available via text, email or phone.


Jobs Victoria Careers Counselling Service 

Jobs Victoria Career Counsellors provide personalised career guidance to Victorians who are looking for work, are underemployed, unsure of what to do or who are working but looking for a career change. They will help you understand your career options and give you the tools and confidence you need to pursue them.