Community Engagement

Our Lady of Fatima is a community where the teachings of Jesus Christ are reflected and practised, where all children are empowered to develop to their full potential.

Fleur Koole

Community Engagement Leader


Canteen update

Hello parents and friends! 

I would just like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who made the success of the canteen coming to life. Sarah and Gill for supporting the canteen in every way. Sue for always helping out and been the Quickcliqs queen, Leanne for assisting all the accounting needs and Rania for sending in her little helpers on the Fridays! 


A massive, massive thank you to all of those consistent parents who have lent not only your hands but your time on a Friday, Liz Barnewall, Loridana Grant, Suma Jojy, Jessica Taylor, Shannon Pawsey, Angela Kostopolous and of course Voelker Sapulo who is no longer at the school. Without you and your support, the canteen would still be a thought in motion. You’ve been and will continue to be a wonderful asset to not only the canteen but also the school community, this wouldn’t have been possible without you. Thank you, thank you!


A big thank you to those parents who also came in from time to time, John Wickham and Julia Hillman and Djani Radin, your time was greatly appreciated and thanks to you, we could keep the dream alive. 


It has been so wonderful to be behind what has made the Friday lunch buzz! All of the wonderful students for your ever so lovely compliments and kind words. Also we are going to remove some items from the menu and add in stock quantity to use up what we have before the year is out, so you may not be able to purchase some things as the weeks count down.


I will be taking a step back from the canteen but still working on it behind the scenes due to work commitments and expanding our family, Jessica Taylor will be filling my position. She has an exceptional small business on the peninsula (Peninsula Real Fruit Ice-cream) and extensive knowledge in food handling etc. 


Thank you to all of the wonderful families who continue to support the canteen! Without you there would be no orders to fulfil.  


If you are wanting to volunteer please touch base with Sue at the office or email



Mel Semple