Year 7 Victorian School Music Festival
On Wednesday 16 November, the Year 7 band visited Hawthorn Music and Arts Centre to perform and take part in the Victorian School Music festival. We were one of many Year 7/ Junior Concert Bands representing their schools.
The band played ‘Race Against Time’, ‘Penguin Promenade’ and ‘The Spook’. With help from a Masterclass Music Educator, she helped us refine parts of the pieces. We heard Carey Baptist Grammar play, who also performed ‘Race against Time’.
Then it was time to leave, on the way back we stopped at McDonald’s for a fun treat. Try to imagine McDonald’s filled with 75, 13 year olds in a 20 minute time period! But it was still a very fun day.
We received a recording of our performance and many photos taken of us playing. The two adjudicators both wrote very positive comments and both gave the band an overall result of 'excellent'. We look forward to performing again next year!
Sophie and Lois (Year 7)
About our music program
Our outgoing Performing Arts Captain and team have made a video to promote the instrumental music program to year 7 or prospective students. 2022 has been a busy and productive year for performing arts and the instrumental music program with more participants than ever before. Our students enthusiasm shows it's strength.
Well done Sabina Eyre-Walker.
Mr Tim Veevers
Director of Performing Arts