A Resounding Success!

 What a Resounding Success!

How great was it to experience our full size 25th year Art4All event! It was a whopping achievement, especially considering our Art4All Committee were predominately parents who had never been to FPS's amazing event. There was lots to learn!


When we set out on the 2022 Art4All journey we hoped to showcase amazing artwork, deliver artistic workshops for kids, provide a space for parents and the local Fairfield community to meet, and more. Our school plays an important role in bringing together the community through families, artists, sponsors and – most importantly – local kids. For the 25th year, we showcased our children's artwork and our wonderful cohort of Year 6 students played their traditional role perfectly on Gala Night, mixing with all. For many, this tradition provides a strong memory of their time at FPS at such an important event.


Art4All 2022 has exceeded all expectations. Our community has raised $51,586 over the three days through the sale of art & handmade goods, food, t-shirts and art workshops.


These funds will be split equally towards the FPS Visual Arts program, Indigenous Reconciliation initiatives, as well as sustainability ambitions identified in the Building and Grounds Action Plan. Your contribution to this event will ensure a legacy for the school's future.


This year's event had a strong sustainability focus with consolidating waste streams, re-use of supplies, food and waste management, and minimal use of plastics.  Our waste this year was dramatically less than our past efforts. Everyone participated in minimising non-recyclable materials and waste streams were sorted correctly. 


Thank you for ensuring we are both financially and environmentally sustainable.