Parents & Friends

Parent & Friends 

Our Term One Fete (Friday 23rd March), will come around quickly, so Parents & Friends will be meeting Wednesday 14th February at 9am in the staffroom. All families are welcome to attend. Many things  need to happen prior to the fete, which will be discussed at the meeting. Parent support for our fete is really important so please consider coming along to this meeting, or letting us know how you can support us.  Further information will be sent out shortly.



Our school canteen, selling chips, ice creams and icy poles,  is staffed by parent volunteers. If you would like to assist in the school canteen, a volunteer is required each day from 1:30pm - 2:10pm


If you are able to help out on a monthly basis, please let the office know which day suits you. Once a roster is established we will be able to open the canteen regularly to students.


A canteen roster will be published in the newsletter for each upcoming month, and will also be available on the Facebook group.


If you are new to the school, we will help you out with how the canteen operates.