On Wednesday 27 March, the Year 11 and Year 12 Studio Arts classes met at McKinnon train station to leave for an excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria. On arrival, we split into two groups in order to look at both previous Studio Arts folios as well as high scoring final artworks at the 2019 Top Arts exhibition, a showcase put on annually to celebrate top scoring VCE artwork from around the state from the previous year. We all found this exhibition very informative in helping us with our own studio practices and processes for the coming year as well as inspiring to see the effort and amazing level of work done throughout 2018.

From this, both classes continued on to a presentation and viewing on another current exhibition being displayed at the NGV, Escher X Nendo: Between Two Worlds. This incredible display showcased the work of M.C. Escher, a Dutch artist who was most famous for his combined use of patterns and illusions along with mathematical concepts in his printmaking. It was presented by Nendo, a Japanese design company who put their own take on his concepts into the design of the space. We were especially fortunate to be able to visit this exhibition as it is the first time the NGV has ever collaborated an artist’s work with a design team like Nendo to create an overall show.


We would like to say a massive thank you to Ms Kuriata and Ms Rogosic for organising and attending this fabulous excursion with us!


Coco Greenberg

Year 11 Student