Humanities Domain

Year 11 History Excursion

The History excursion to the Jewish Holocaust Museum was held on the  Friday, 7th of June, 2019. 

At the museum, students were taken into a room where they watched a short film briefing about the holocaust. After this, students were guided through the museum by Holocaust survivors. During this time, students were able to explore the museum as well as ask any questions. Then, there were was some time for students to explore the museum independently.

After this, students were grouped off to listen to a survivor's story. Afterwards, students went to the memorial and reflected on what was learned. A candle was lit to commemorate all who suffered and perished during the time of the holocaust.

In particular, something that I learned was that in the 1960’s Aboriginal people in Australia were protesting about the discrimination that was happening to the Jewish people in Europe. Learning about the White Australia Policy also was incredibly surprising and interesting, especially to see how that linked and affected with what was happening thousands of miles away. 

(Danijela Polimac, student)

We were very lucky to have 95 year-old Leon, a survivor from Czechoslovakia, and 96 year-old Joe, a survivor from Holland speak to our groups of students. They are still fighting fit and their stories of survival were both inspirational. That Joe was able to evade capture from the NAZIs was great but to return to his street and home in Amsterdam after the war and find not one Jewish friend, neighbour or relative was very sad. He learned from an old non-Jewish school-friend that his parents and brother as well as all the Jews in his suburb had been taken to Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland where they had all perished. Joe did have a nice story to tell about asking a girl to lend him 25 guilders when he was struggling to pay his rent. She agreed and then he revealed that they have been married for over seventy years and he still owes her the 25 guilders!


We had a great day connecting with the people who keep the Holocaust and its important messages alive. I would recommend that anyone interested in History visit the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Elsternwick. It is open to visitors on weekends. Here is the website:

Mr Shinkfield

Year 11 Legal Studies Excursion

On Friday 17th May the Year 11 Legal Studies students with Ms Stefanatos and Ms Attard went to visit the Victorian Parliament and the Melbourne Magistrates court.

The students went on a tour of Parliament House and met a local member. Then observed various court cases in session at the Magistrates court. This broadened their understanding of the Australian Legal system. This was an enjoyable day for all.