Catholic Identity


Creator God, we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, as we walk together on your path of love, hope and faith.

Thank you for the gifts of our school, 

our environment, our families and friends.

May our school be a place of learning, care, welcome and celebration.

Mary our Mother, pray for us.

St Mary of the Cross, pray for us. 





This year’s theme for C.E.Sandhurst schools is

“Let the words you speak always be full of grace.”

As we continue to spread the Good News, we are called to be people of dialogue, 

using our words as instruments of love.

We will encourage those in our care to speak kindly to one another in the classroom, the playground, on the bus, in the car and at home.




Catholic Identity


This week's readings on Sunday are based on the themes of treasure and delight, and service to others.


The treasure is the extraordinary gift from God; the delight is the joy we experience when we realise that the treasure is ours. 


The treasure is the kingdom of Heaven. This treasure we find is already a gift that is given. 


Solomon chooses to be of service to others; in this, he is a disciple to follow. We have discovered the treasure in the field and found the pearl of great price. What we have been given, we must now give to others.
















Lord Jesus, 


You have assured us that when we turn to You, 

You will always hear our prayers. 

I know I am undergoing this because of a sin I have committed or in preparation for higher service to You. 

Therefore Lord God, grant me the strength that I need today, and Your will be done in my life.











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