School Captains News

Grandparents Day 2023


Last Wednesday, our whole school celebrated Grandparents/Special Person Day! Everyone invited someone who is special to them, to come join us in the Grandparents/Special Person mass and lunch. Everyone had a really lovely time showing their Special Person around their classroom, and enjoying a nice shared lunch with them. We hope that everyone had a great time and had lots of fun.


It was really fun, we went to mass with our grandparents/special person, and shared a special slideshow about how much we appreciate them. After the mass we brought our grandparents to our classrooms and did some activities. For example, in Five/Six we asked our grandparents questions about their school life and interviewed them on Seesaw. There was also a Coffee Van  for the grandparents to get a hot drink and socialize with others.


By Poppy and Mira