P & C News



DATE: Monday 31st July 2023


MEETING OPENED:                 7: 04 pm


ATTENDEES:                           Sarah M, Jennifer H, Kylie C, Enas R, Siobhan B, Sarosh Z,     Brooke P,  Karla W, Joyce Y 



APOLOGIES:                            Andrea M, Karen G, Elizabeth S


PREVIOUS MINUTES:             Emailed and accepted by the committee. 


CORRESPONDENCE:               May and June Westpac account statements; advertising pamphlets for Father's Day (School Gift Australia, Smart Gift Ideas, Moon and Back Australia, Crown Concepts). Email: fundraising planning updates. 


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT:              Presented by Karla and Brooke

Education Week

  • Upcoming Education Week to celebrate 175 years of public education in NSW.
  • PPS will have Open Classrooms on Wednesday (Support Unit) and Thursday (all other classes).
  • There will be a Family Picnic at lunch with sandwiches and wraps available from Canteen; Coffee van coming at 11am.
  • Book Fair open in Library; 2nd hand clothing store will open; Lost property will be displayed outside hall on table.


Temporary to Permanent Teaching Staff

  • Teachers and SASS staff who have been on staff for 3 years, who currently have a contract for 2023 will be offered a permanent position. 
  • Details are unsure yet what that means if we drop numbers or have no vacancies. Number of teachers allocated to a school is dependent on student numbers and Dept of Education algorithms. PPS is already paying for an additional teacher through our own funding. 
  • There will be 80 Yr 6 students leaving at the end of this year. 2 demountables will be returned to the Dept of Education to account for drop in school numbers. 
  • Principal info session this Thursday afternoon. 


Kindy 2024 Tour 

  • 2 sessions were conducted - about 24 students and their parents came for a walk through last Thursday. 
  • Enrolments for Kindy 2024 sitting at 40 as of today. 


Building Update

  • Toilet blocks will be renovated in December holidays.
  • Roofs to be replaced in December holidays that weren’t done with rest of school – Library, Staffroom and Attunga Cottage. 


Stage 3 Camp 

  • Will be held Aug 14-16th at Milson Island. Taking additional staff - Mrs Wilson and Mr McLeod will be attending. 
  • All activities are organised, there will be no water sports due to cold weather and safety issues. 
  • PPS is covering the cost of coaches.


School Show 

  • Will be held in Week 8. 250 seats available for each show. 
  • Ticket sales will be conducted through Trybooking platform; details will be released over the next couple of weeks. Tickets priced at $10 adult/$5 school aged child/children on lap free.


Curriculum Policy Monitoring 

  • Last Tuesday, PPS went through a DET internal monitoring review of the PD/H/PE curriculum and other policies with Penshurst PS. Aspects looked at included timetables, scope and sequence, programming, differentiation, assessing and reporting. Very thorough. 
  • PPS admin will be meeting with our Director, Joanna French next week for feedback. 


Acknowledgement Filming

  • 3 of our First Nations students were involved in filming an Acknowledgement to Country for Georges River Principal Network to be used at the upcoming Director’s Conference. Students were filmed doing dance at Salt Pan Creek and the spoken Acknowledgement at Oatley Park. 
  • Going forward, the videography will be used as the official Acknowledgement to Country for Georges River events; hoping to be able to share it with the community soon. 

NAPLAN 2023 results

  • Individual results have been sent home to parents. 
  • School has been given a copy; still processing and waiting on further comprehensive data to be provided to implement feedback. Difficult to make comparison with previous years due to change from band to grouping system. 
  • At this point, comparative data to state and statistically similar school groups is not available until September. 
  • PPS admin have been through the results to ensure that students whose results were ‘needs assistance’ are being supported. 


PRESIDENT’S REPORT:           Presented by Sarah 


Father’s Day Stall

  • A budget of $3,500 was approved by committee for the Father’s Day Stall gifts (same budget as previous year).
  • Gifts have been purchased from Moon & Back and Smart Gift Ideas. They are delivered to the school. Cost of gifts was $3,346 incl GST.
  • Returning to the choose two gifts system, due to logistics of not being able to source and pack the gifts beforehand this time.
  • 550 gifts purchased (1100 items all up). Some additional stock in the storeroom which will be checked in the coming weeks. Additional bags to be purchased.
  • Stall date set for Thursday 31st August, 2023. Siobhan and Joyce will organise volunteers to help with set-up and running of the stall. 


Winter Sports’ Uniform

  • Confirmed that Claudine’s can produce them. However they are concerned that in the past it’s not sold well for other schools (only about 10-15 units per year).
  • Retail price for parents to buy would be about $3-4 more than the short sleeve option.
  • No initial cost to the school – Claudine’s would produce. However if they’re not selling and we choose to discontinue then we need to buy the excess stock. Cost of 100 shirts would be about $2,500.
  • P&C agreed to go ahead with stocking long sleeve shirts (discussed will provide a good option for winter). More stock to be ordered in smaller sizing as stronger sales anticipated for the K-2 age group. 

Trivia Night

  • Masonic Club is booked for 14 October 2023 at 7pm. They have waived the booking fee. Time for Trivia is booked to host – cost is $1094.50. P&C approved budget of 1500 dollars.
  • Miriam, Claire and Enas have volunteered to assist. 
  • Focus of event will be on getting community together, parent’s night out, social activity to connect with others in the school community. Event will be open to wider community and alumni; will send out flyers to the school community and publicise on PPS alumni FB page. 
  • Request for donations will be sent out ASAP; happy to accept any goods and prize offers.
  • Committee discussed pricing again - agreed that $20 dollars per ticket is reasonable.
  • Ticket buyers will be given the option to either personally organise their own table of 8; or to purchase an individual ticket and they will be grouped with other parents of their child’s stage.
  • Will use Trybooking platform for ticket purchases. Buyers will be given the option of paying 50c booking fee; otherwise, committee will absorb fee.


Colour Run

  • Didn’t have any volunteers to assist with this. Since there are already a number of events scheduled this year, have decided to postpone this event till next year.
  • Karla suggested Colour Run may be organised for a school Well-being day.


Tea Towels

  • P&C confirmed we will proceed with this (discussed will provide a good option for Christmas present, memento for families). 
  • Kylie will organise this term; portrait drawings to be sent to the company by October. Karla will provide class and staff lists to Kylie.
  • 478 kids in school; 450 drawings can fit in one towel. Will separate into K-2 and 3-6 towels. Plan to add teacher, admin, school staff drawings too.
  • Will organise pre-ordering system and specify the quantity required for each family. 


Morning tea

  • Discussed whether to hold P&C morning tea this term. Committee has decided not to proceed since this term is already busy with a number of events (Education Week Open Day, School Show, etc).



TREASURER’S REPORT:          Prepared by Jennifer            





The next P&C meeting will take place on Monday 11 September, 2023 at 7pm in the Gumbuya Centre. A notice will be placed in eNews.


MEETING CLOSED:     8:07pm