Principal's message

School Show

Wow!!!! What  wonderful week have just had showcasing our amazing students. It was a visual delight and the smiles on the students faces were priceless. 

Thank you to all the families for dropping off/picking up students, watching as the audience and encouraging the children on stage. It was lovely to finally have our community back together after COVID-19. 

I know the change of venue from our previous space at Hurstville Entertainment Centre was different for those families who have been part of our school for a number of years. 

Part of the decision to hold the show at school was to ensure the profit we made from ticket sales goes directly back into our Creative Arts curriculum in the form of musical instruments, visual arts supplies and also adding to the lighting in the hall. 

There are photos of each show on the following pages. 

Jersey Day

Last Thursday students and teachers wore their favourite sporting jersey to school and  the conversation with their family and friends about the importance of becoming an organ and tissue donor. Jersey Day was inspired by the gift of life that Nathan Gremmo gave to six people when he became an organ donor at age 13.

Peakhurst Public School is proud to support this cause

2024 Kindergarten enrolments open

Kindergarten 2024 enrolment  is open and we encourage all families to ensure that any children who are starting school in 2024 to complete the online enrolment form as soon as possible. 


Please use the link below to take you to the online enrolement form.



Mrs Wilson

Relieving Principal