Student Voice
Miss Carly Epskamp
Student Voice
Miss Carly Epskamp
This week we asked DPS students "What's been the best part of your week?"
Here are the responses that we gathered:
Manuella O - 5E
The best part of my week so far was when my class played quiz boss. Quiz boss is a Kahoot that each class does every week for 8 weeks and whoever gets the most points wins a pizza party. Even though I don’t really like pizza, I would like to help win it for the rest of the class.
Noah A - 5E
My favourite part of the week was waking up on Monday morning. Yes it meant school but it also meant I could see all the people that matter to me, my great teacher and my friends. It’s what makes me enjoy life most, it’s what truly makes me grateful and it’s also what makes me happy.
Elijah W - 5E
The best part of my week so far was gardening with Mr Beechey. I liked planting the plants and getting my hands dirty. It was fun to experience what Mr Beechey does every day.
Andreas K - 2S
The best part of my week so far was playing soccer with my friends at lunchtime on Wednesday. This was my best part of the week because we had some much fun and they all played fairly.
Isabella M - 2S
The best part of my week so far was doing multiplication arrays. This was my best part of the week because I finally did some multiplication questions correct and it was fun and I liked it.
Shermaine M - 2S
The best part of my week was Art because I like being creative and drawing makes me feel happy, calm and relaxed.
Ellie C - 1G
The best part of my week so far was learning how to write a story because we learnt how to describe the characters and the setting.
Harrison L - 1G
The best part of my week so far was doing maths because I like doubling numbers.
Mietta M - 3G
The best part of my week so far was Bushwahzee. I loved it because I got all dressed up in my bush clothes. I played a big drum but I can't remember exactly what it was called. I loved Bushwahzee overall and my dad was so proud of me.
Naman N - 3G
The best part of my week so far was that at recess and lunch people played downball together and we were all letting others join in.
Blake H - Prep M
The best part of my week so far was the Lego incursion because it was interesting and different and I like Lego.
Evelyn W - Prep M
The best part of my week so far was the second day of my VIP. I presented my favourite toys to the class.
Thanks to our fabulous students for contributing to our newsletter this week. We value your input! If you have an idea for our next student voice newsletter topic, please come and see Miss Epskamp in the office or email