Student Recognition Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award! | ||
PM | Farniya | For settling in extremely well at her new school. You have already made some nice friendships. |
PM | Elsa | For being an enthusiastic member of our class and for settling into her new grade very well. |
PP | Vansh | For showing excellent effort when reading. Well done blending sounds with confidence, Vansh! |
PP | Ryan C | For beginning Term 3 with a 'can-do' attitude! You have really impressed me, Ryan! |
PW | Lucas | For working on displaying a persistent and positive attitude towards writing. Keep it up Lucas! |
PW | Miya | For approaching all tasks with enthusiasm and producing quality work when focused. Well done Miya! |
1G | Yi | For making a wonderful start to Term Three. Well done Yi for always aiming high and doing your best. Keep up the great effort! |
1G | Celine | For a wonderful effort and demonstrating improving skills during Mathematics lessons. Well done Celine! Keep aiming high! |
1L | Spencer | For his hard work and dedication to improve in his writing by adding lots of detail, capital letters and full stops. Well done! |
1L | Harper | For always working to the best of her ability in every task. Harper is always demonstrating outstanding and role model behaviour. Well done! |
1S | Sofia | For always showing 5 star work taking pride in everything you complete. Keep up the beautiful work Sophia! |
1S | Alexandra | For making great text to self connections. You have been providing lots of detail and relating it back to the big book. Well done! |
2M | Kairav | For making some clever text to text connections in reading. Well done, Kairav. |
2M | Stanley | For applying himself with determination, pride and success to his school work. Well done, Stanley. |
2S | Sofia | For your positive attitude towards your learning. Well done! Keep up the great work. |
2S | Cooper J | For your positive attitude towards your learning. Well done! Keep up the great work. |
2Q | Ahmad | For sharing his knowledge of robotics with his peers. Well done! |
2Q | Baran | For always doing her best and for improving her handwriting. Keep up the good work! |
3B | Maya | For being extremely welcoming and helpful throughout the first week of Term 3, while also completing her work to the best of her ability! Well done Maya! |
3B | Mansmeet | For making a wonderful first impression in 3B throughout your first term at DPS. You have settled in very well and always given your tasks a good go! Keep up the good work! |
3G | Diana | For your excellent efforts in Reading this term. You have worked so hard to understand and summarise your books. Keep up the great effort! |
3G | Oscar | For your wonderful efforts in improving your organisation and the presentation of your ideas. You have shown consistent and excellent dedication to improvement! |
3Q | Christine | For settling into our DPS community so quickly and showing our school values in all learning areas. Outstanding effort. |
3Q | Robert | For showing determination when writing. You are trying your best to sound out words even when it gets challenging. Well done! |
3Q | Adib | For being actively engaged during our whole class reading sessions each morning and observing interesting connections in our shared class novel book. I’m so proud of you. |
4K | Maggie | For beginning term two with determination and striving for success. Maggie has brought her amazing ideas together planning exciting and detailed ideas for her narrative writing. Keep up the good work Maggie! |
4K | Samson | For using his time wisely in class and completing the activities in the set time given. Samson has been able to work well both independently and in small groups. Looking forward to seeing this continue for the rest of the year, keep it up Samson! |
4S | Avash | For outstanding way has assisted new students to settle into 4S. Thank you for using your initiative to help with translation, classroom routines and ensuring our new classmates have friends to play with. |
4S | Lucien | For outstanding way in which he applies 100% effort to all that he does, as he continuously models our school values of determination, pride and success. Well done! |
4WB | Kiarash | For doing such a wonderful job with your spelling homework this week. You did an amazing job making sure all the words were spelt correctly! |
4WB | Naherica | For always ensuring you complete all parts of your homework. Your commitment to your learning is inspiring! |
5C | Sungmin | For focusing in class and producing excellent work. Also for bringing in the cutest baby photo ever for his autobiography! |
5C | Yuk | For sharing his amazing baby booklets for his autobiography! |
5E | Benita | For being a kind and respectful class member. Well done for making the new students feel so welcome and supporting them with their learning. |
5E | Rex | For being a considerate member of the class and always willing to help his peers. It is great to see him participating in class discussions more as well. Keep up the good work! |
6C | Herald | For always trying your best and being a positive learner. |
6C | Hilary | For always displaying pride, determination and success in every task that you complete, including embracing challenges with a positive attitude. |
6J | Kaily | For always doing her best and being organised with homework. Keep up the good work Kaily! |
6J | Hugo | For his efforts to complete his speech early and editing it to ensure it shows his best work. Great work Hugo! |
6M | Lisha | For being so organised with her homework and always completing her work to a high standard. Well done Lisha! |
6M | Isaac | For settling so well into Grade Six in his first week at DPS. 6M is so lucky to have you Isaac! |
Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award in a specialist class! | ||
Art | Alice 2M | For always trying her best. Alice is a quiet, independent learner who co-operates beautifully with others. Well done! |
Art | Diana 3G | For her excellent attitude to all learning tasks. Diana contributes great ideas and is a kind friend to others. Well done! |
Art | Benita 5E | For her excellent responsible attitude to all her learning and being cooperative in class time. She is also a helpful student in class and assist with packing up. Thank you and well done! |
Art | Raudin 1G | For improving on your art techniques and trying your best. Raudin is enthusiastic and helpful in the classroom. Thank you Raudin! |
Art | Avalyn 3G | For always striving to complete her best artwork in class and always being the most helpful student. Thank you and well done! |
Art | Edward 5K | For being a quiet achiever and producing a consistent high level of work. He is also a caring and friendly classmate and student. Well done, Edward! |
Cultural Studies | Nik PW | For consistently participating in class discussions during Cultural Studies. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas, Nik! |
Cultural Studies | Spencer 1L | For always completing your classwork neatly and with good use of colour. Your concentration means you are often first to finish. Well done Spencer. |
Cultural Studies | Luke 3G | For being an active participant in Cultural Studies lessons. I love the way you contribute to discussions and try your best in all tasks. Well done Luke! |
Cultural Studies | Shermaine 2S | For displaying great listening skills during Cultural Studies sessions. Your excellent test results and wonderful work samples are examples of this! |
Cultural Studies | Parsa PP | For a great start to Term 3 in Cultural Studies. You have been finishing your work and we loved hearing you talk about Iran. Great job, Parsa! |
Cultural Studies | Eesa 2Q | For always being an attentive member of the class during Cultural Studies. The work you complete is always neat and well thought out. Excellent Eesa! |
LOTE | Chloe D 4K | For willing to participate in all class activities, including oral practice with gestures. Well done Chole! |
LOTE | Eugene 4WB | For being a caring and enthusiastic student, working well in LOTE lessons. Well done Eugene! |
LOTE | Shaurya 5C | For willing to participate in all class activities and approaching his work with a positive attitude. Well done Shaurya! |
LOTE | Shayan 5E | For developing good Chinese oral skills and responding well during class discussions. Well done Shayan! |
LOTE | Dorsa 6J | For approaching her work with a positive attitude and continuing to make good progress. Well done Dorsa! |
LOTE | QiHao 6M | For approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. He shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you, QiHao. |
Science | Tina PP | For making an amazing start to science, you always try your very best, well done! |
Science | Eric 1S | For making great progress in science, you have been making great improvements and always help out! |
Science | Torres 3G | For always putting in your best effort and helping out others well done! |
Science | Amanda 4S | For her amazing diagrams during science, they are very detailed and show amazing understanding, well done! |
Science | Athena 5K | For her fantastic insight during Science, she has shown amazing knowledge of biology, awesome job! |
Science | Arsham 6M | For always trying his hardest and being confident to share his thoughts, well done! |