Pastoral Academic Care (PAC)
Pastoral Focus -
Character Strength: brainstorming how they can build their wellbeing and resilience using Humility.
Parent Wellbeing: the gold standard way to feel uplifting positive emotions is sharing time with other people and feeling a strong sense of belonging. You need to keep your evolutionary tribal needs satisfied to experience the wonderful natural highs you experience from the powerful brain chemicals, serotonin and oxytocin. Choosing to be socially connected is a great choice.
This week we hear from the Year 8, Year 10 and Year 12 PAC Leaders
Year 8
Last Monday, Year 8 were involved in a student panel. This allowed our students to share their voice and views on various issues such as Respect, Rights and Responsibilities. This was run as a TV interview scenario. Our guest speakers were able to share their thoughts and ideas. We discussed issues related to excessive use of technology. Positive and negative uses of technology were highlighted. This discussion lead sharing strategies to improve phone usage and working on developing a balance.
I was impressed with maturity of the students and their willingness to share their views.
Moving forward, our school expectations were reiterated regarding our policy. If phones are used inappropriately they will be confiscated and handed into the school office.
As I roam around our classrooms I see our students engaged in their learning and working on many interesting projects.
Today, I addressed the year group reminding us all that we do have a really special college and once you stop to reflect on what we have to offer we are a very sought after school.
Be the best person you can be….
Mrs Kath Czinner,
On behalf of the Year 8 PAC teachers
Year 10
Welcome back for Term 3!
The Year 10 PAC team hope you all received some well earned rest and enjoyed a nice break over the winter holidays. Since returning, year 10 has been busy getting back into the routines of school and the expectations that are expected inside and outside the classroom. Students must remember phones should be in bags or pockets unless otherwise stated by a teacher. Their devices are to be charged each day and be at school to assist with learning inside the classroom and they should have a stocked pencil case.
Term 3 means that the OCC winter uniform is still in place. In year 10 students are given the option to wear the junior or senior winter uniform with the College Blazer or New College Jacket. The expectation for all our students is that they will wear the formal winter uniform unless they have a practical PE lesson or PASS class on their timetable for that day. PAC teachers are focusing on ensuring that students are wearing the correct uniform each day (this includes the correct sport pants) and after three uniform infringements within a fortnight parents will be contacted to remind their child of the importance of wearing our College uniform with pride especially as they embark on their senior years.
Practical days for each class are listed below:
10.1 and 10.2
Week A - Tuesday
Week B - Wednesday and Thursday
10.3 and 10.4
Week A - Wednesday
Week B - Thursday and Friday
Week A - Wednesday and Thursday
Week B - Wednesday and Thursday
Week 1 - 4 Recap
During term 3 year 10 begin to work on “projects” in many classes giving students a taste for the senior years and assessment understanding that run alongside their learning. Science and English have begun to model and teach students the process of breaking down a task into smaller parts and asking students to think about what aspect of learning they want to focus on.
This was supported with an Elevate session that focused on time management and how to effectively study. Students were asked to write down what a typical week looks like and what time they might have left for school, many realised that work and sport commitments are a driving force in their week and some have started to rebalance which will allow them to start work earlier and not the week or night before it is due. They also learned that we should never focus on how much time we spend studying but instead focus on what we achieve in that time and it’s okay to bribe ourselves to reach small goals (phone time, snack etc). This session was a wonderful eye opener to the senior years and/or work future ahead but they all participated and got involved in the activities.
Elizabeth Plane (Acting LOL)
On behalf of Shane McCann and the year 10 PAC team.
Year 12
Year 12 are currently gearing up for their upcoming trial examinations in Weeks 5 and 6, please see exam timetable below to help with organisation.
They recently attended a study session run by Elevate and have been putting these skills to use in their preparation. All students are encouraged to seek help and feedback from their teachers as we are always here to help and want the best outcomes for our students. This is a time that can be quite stressful but it is important to keep things in perspective, take care of yourselves and try to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
As Year 12 is drawing to an end, please remember that school attendance is a vital part of success. You are so close to the end, make yourselves proud of your efforts and try your best!
Mrs Amber Smith
Acting Leader of Wellbeing