VCE Theatre Studies

Unit 4: Year 12

Year 12 students in Theatre Studies are researching the themes, contexts and theatre styles of their chosen monologues and beginning to experiment with various theatrical styles and elements of theatre composition to present an original, creative and imaginative monologue that will capture their audience and the assessors.

They are off to a workshop in Wodonga on Monday August 7 to explore and refine their acting skills with Drama Victoria.

Year 11 students (Unit 1) are researching Greek Theatre and working as directors and actors to present Antigone by Sophocles in an imaginative adaption of traditional Greek stage craft.

Pictured are Year 11 students working with masks and cloaks as the chorus who are the commentators for the action.
Pictured are Year 11 students working with masks and cloaks as the chorus who are the commentators for the action.





Kerry Cameron
