Sister Frances

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,

and let Your perpetual light shine upon her.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed

rest in peace.


Sr Frances Wilson RNDM – Rest in Peace

We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing this week of our much loved and adored Sr Frances Wilson. In the words of our Board Chair, Mrs Mary Retel, Sr Frances is “…a very pure, selfless and giving woman, Sr Frances is now basking in eternal peace and joy”. 

Please read further of Sr Frances, as penned by our Deputy Principal, Mr Jeff Ronan;


Sr Frances Wilson RNDM, was a member of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions who worked in WA from 1991. Sr Frances came to WA from New Zealand to begin work at Wanalirri Catholic School at Gibb River, in the Kimberley region. Her teaching during the early years took place in a tin shed in stifling heat, until the new school was built.


Sr Frances’ connection to Mazenod began in the late 1990s when a number of Indigenous students from her Gibb River school moved into Boarding at Mazenod.

In 2001 Sr Frances joined the Mazenod community as the College’s Aboriginal Liaison Officer. Her time was dedicated to helping any Indigenous boys settle into Mazenod when they made the transition to life in the city.  Sr Frances also assisted the Indigenous girls who were boarding at St Brigid’s College.

During her time at Mazenod Sr Frances was fully involved in all aspects of school life. As well as assisting the Boarders, she was very active in the Sacramental program, was an important member of the Educational Support team and was a keen follower of the many sporting pursuits at the College. Sr Frances, as a Kiwi, had a great love of rugby and would often attend various sporting events, particularly rugby matches as a supporter or manager.  She took every opportunity to remind students and staff how dominant the All Blacks were in the rugby world. Sr Frances accompanied the school rugby team on a tour of Brisbane as the team manager. Her energy had no bounds as she would walk/jog the annual Mission Fun Run with the students.

Sr Frances was a much loved member of the Mazenod Community and while we knew that she was looking forward to going home to New Zealand we were all very sorry so see her leave the College in 2014, after 13 years at Mazenod and 27 years in WA.


The College extends its condolences to the Wilson family and the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions on the loss of Sister Frances Wilson RNDM. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this incredibly sad time.


Simon Harvey
