Just a Few Years on ...

Tim Dehn - Community Relations Manager

It was a very special evening last Thursday as we hosted a dinner for past and present College captains, sharing lessons learnt from the often testing role of being some kind of leader in your community – whether at school, at university or in the workplace.


The evening was based on an idea which Tim Argall had encountered at a previous school. So we invited past College captains from the year 2013 onwards, all of whom came along, save just two who live interstate or overseas.


The buzz of conversation from start to finish demonstrated the value of the evening to all, as connections were made and remade, ideas exchanged, and community enriched.


Two of our guests commented afterwards:

Everyone present at the event are people I truly and deeply respect. As such I loved the chance to all be in a room and share with one another.  


I loved the opportunity to connect again with people.

Stepping a few years further back, we had also invited former College captains Dave and Kylie Mitton (1997) to reflect a bit on life changes and decisions - their words were wise, humble and welcome.


Truly this was a room full of remarkable servants, in the best possible sense. See you next year? "Definitely," was the universal response as guests left.
