Primary Life

100 Days of Prep

Helen Reid - Prep Team Leader


The children eagerly counted the last few days until, finally, Day 100 arrived! 


The Prep area was filled with excited children who had turned into 100-year-old men and women, or had come dressed in 100-themed shirts and capes. 

Our day began with a Prep assembly, where Mrs Vaughan delivered a 100-word speech and we had a slice of Day 100 cake. Over the day we made crowns, drew faces of our 100-year-old self, and built towers with 100 cups. We also compared notes with our Year 5 Buddies who visited us. They talked about their memories of their Day 100. 

It was a fantastic day! 


Thanks to all the parents who helped create amazing outfits for the day.

Year 3 Zoo Excursion

Susan Clements - Year 3 Teacher

Though there was the expected chill in the early morning air, the winter sun beamed down on 103 excited Year 3s and their bulging backpacks as they clambered onto the buses to take us all to Melbourne Zoo. 


This was part of our Inquiry topic ‘God’s Wild World’ and what better way to enjoy God’s creation than to see His humour, creativity and sheer sense of fun reflected in the various animals!  


We wandered past the enclosures for hours, watching the giant tortoises lumbering through the thick grass, the cheeky baby elephant spraying sand at his mother, seals showing off with acrobatics in the water, crocodiles watching us with their beady eyes from still waters, bright and colourful parrots singing from their lofty heights, playful apes tipping toys into the lake, the pygmy hippopotamus bouncing along slowly like an oddly graceful ballerina on the river bed, and meditative lemurs in various yoga poses flexing their biceps at us.


The Butterfly House was a definite highlight, with hundreds of butterflies of every hue flitting around and landing on outstretched hands, colourful backpacks and even heads!


“They’re so tickly! Oh, please, please God, let one land on me!” were the fervent prayers of many students in the group. 


In short, it was a wonderful, joyous and educational excursion, enjoyed by children and adults alike.


Year 1 Community Expo

Anna Starchenko - Year 1 Teacher


The students in Year 1 attended a busy Community Expo this week to support their Inquiry unit 'You, Me and Community'. 


They were able to meet and interact with ten different community workers and learn about how their jobs contributed to the community. There were opportunities to interact with the equipment and tools that each worker had on display and to ask how they were used. 


We had a microbiologist, a speech therapist, a midwife, a school counsellor, a pharmacist, an accountant, a social worker, a dog trainer, a pilot, and a nurse! 


Thank you to all the parents and helpers who came and shared their professions with us and inspired so many curious questions.