Nothing Stands Alone

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary

There’s an awful lot of singing, dancing, creating and making going on around the Primary School, as we head towards the final weeks of rehearsal for our much-awaited production, Finding Nemo Jr. I have just returned from watching the ‘Sharks’ rehearse. The students are well and truly in character, they know their lines, they are singing with gusto and their dance moves are being refined as they pull together all that they have learned for the show!


Our productions do not stand alone, however. They are a wonderful culmination of countless learning experiences in Music, Drama, Visual Arts and everyday talking and listening skills, all brought into a one-hour show full of entertainment, humour and fun.


Last week I had the privilege of being one of the judges for the Year 6 Speech Competition. I am always a little nervous about this process, as the standard is consistently high, and I am often blown away by the presentation, the message and the maturity with which our Year 6 students speak before their audience. 


The 2023 finalists certainly did not disappoint! They spoke eloquently, full of confidence and supported by strong research. They successfully convinced us, their audience, of the reasons why consumers need to buy and use their ethical and value-laden products. I congratulate the finalists – each and every one – and especially commend Abrielle Ku who was awarded the winner’s trophy for her convincing speech on the Keep Cup.


This competition does not stand alone either. It is a wonderful culmination of many learning experiences across the years – beginning with our youngest learners in Prep, who present their weekly Show and Tell in front of their peers.


In every experience – whether at an assembly or an event, during a lesson or conversation, learning in the classroom or interacting with peers in the yard – there is a message of resilience ringing loud and clear. Every experience presents us with an opportunity to learn. And in all of the well-planned events that take place, from 100 Days of Prep to the 100 Days left in Primary School with our Year 6 students, we make connections and use each one to build upon the strategies, language and message of resilience. 


Our deep hope prevails – that our little learners will continue to navigate and negotiate their way through life’s ups and downs, and that they will appreciate that learning comes with both joys and challenges every day.