Year 5 News 

Will Heron, Heidi Gardin, Meghan Griffiths, Kade Ellis

The Year 5 students have received their new Wobble Stools, supplied by the school’s P&C Committee. We received 25 stools in total to share amongst the Year 5 cohort. The Year 5 students have been busy learning how Wobble Stools develop our core stomach muscles, meaning it's great for our posture and well-being too!

At the same time, we received new tables for the Year 5 Wet Area. We decided to use these as standing tables to help us design and build in Design and Technology.

We love our Wobble Stools and new tables in the wet area. Thank you for hearing our student's voice!

Room 7

We have had a busy start to Term 3 in Room 7. Our class has been heading off to Riverton Leisureplex each day to complete our Swimming Lessons. Even though it can be cold moving to and from the bus, we’ve enjoyed learning and applying new things from our Swim Teachers. 


In Maths, we’ve been looking at 2D shapes and have enjoyed examining the features of polygons such as quadrilaterals, triangles, and circles. We’re looking forward to transferring our knowledge of 2D shapes to 3D shapes in the coming weeks. 


For Writing, we’ve been experimenting with ways in which we can write engaging sizzling starts that hook the reader. We’ve also been learning about the techniques required to tighten tension when writing informative texts. 


Finally, we’re starting our Economics & Business unit for HASS. For this unit, we’ve been tasked with developing the community on ‘Paradise Island’. It’s our job as town planners to ensure we can provide our new community with goods/services that meet the wants and needs of our community.