Chaplain's Corner 2023

Hi MPS Family,
Transition and change has been the theme of the year! Both on a School level and a personal level. I want to encourage each of us to look inside at the resilience we have built up. We are capable of amazing things. Resilience - the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness!
With that in mind I want to personally welcome all the new staff and students for Term 3. If I have not met you yet I hope to shortly. I will be honest as I always am that I am navigating my own transitions. I told you all in the last newsletter that the holidays were going to be a time of rest for me but what actually happened is I lost a close family member after a 19-month battle with cancer, my 3 boys and I moved house at the same time. It has not been the best of times but I think we all know struggles like these or similar, so my family are taking things day by day. I think for me it is being surrounded by good support, remembering to be grateful in everyday and recognising my limits and my need to rest and heal. There is hope for all of us and it is okay to not be okay. We don't have to do it all.
Now onto the Term, I look forward to seeing the Community at assemblies and the athletics carnival this term. This Friday is the Emus class assembly so I will be there with Community coffee set up. I am always available for a chat during these times but if there are specific needs it is always best to contact me through the front office or Class Dojo messages.
YouthCARE online safety hub
YouthCARE have launched an online safety hub for our School communities. It has great advice on gaming, apps and other platforms, if you are starting out what to look out for, if you have concerns and information to support your child's online use. Visit
Home - YouthCARE Australia - Hub (
Homelessness Week
Finally I would like to highlight that Homelessness week is next week. There are some great services and events that will be on at Hepburn Centre - 46 Highclere Boulevard, Marangaroo over a number of days. I encourage our community to get along to this great initiative. Until next time take care of yourself.
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Thursday and Friday