2023 Key Dates
Term 3 2023
Monday 24th July
-Transition Mini Musos & Dancers 2.45pm-3.30pm
-7.00pm School Council
-Life Ed
Tuesday 25th July
-Life Ed
Wednesday 26th July
-Upper Yarra Winter Sports round robin
-Life Ed
Friday 28th July
-Prep 100th Day
Tuesday 1st August
-3/4 Hooptime
Friday 4th August
-5/6 Hooptime
Wednesday 9th August
-Transition-young artists
Friday 11th August
Thursday 17th August
-Puberty Talk year 6 students
Monday 21st August
-School Council 7.00pm
Tuesday 22nd August
-Transition P E Focus
Thursday 24th August
-Book dress up day parade
Friday 25th August
Monday 28th August
-Physical Maths Challenge (selected students only)
Wednesday 30th August
-Transition Play based
Friday 1st September
-Expo Tabloid 3-4 and Traditional sports
-Dads & Mates Breakfast
Monday 4th September
-Whole School Production
Tuesday 5th September
-Whole School Production
Wednesday 6th September
-Downball Championship- Yarra Junction
-Curriculum day- Planning
Friday 8th September
-Athletic Techno challenge
Monday 11th September
-Physical Maths Challenge
Thursday 14th September
-Transition -Science
Friday 15th September
-Last day of Term 2.30 pm Finish