Learning Updates -

School of Possibilities

Photo: Flavio pictured with his host family member Aaron Niglia 

School of Possibilities

Welcome Flavio! 

The St Anne’s College community is excited to welcome and introduce our first exchange student, Flavio Fontana! Flavio has travelled a very long way from home, Busto Arsizio in Italy, to join our college for Semester 2. Flavio decided to participate in an exchange program to learn about another culture and further his desire to be a global citizen. Flavio enjoys spending time with his friends and travelling, and he is involved in Scouts in Italy. He currently attends an art and design school not far from his home and aims to use his talents in graphic design in his future career pathway. Here at St Anne’s Flavio is in Year 11 and is studying VCE. He has chosen to study Visual Communication Design, Economics, General Maths, Legal Studies and has been very warmly welcomed into the VCE Italian class!! Flavio will also engage in core subjects, English and Religion and Society. If you see Flavio around, please say hello. Welcome Flavio! 


Furphy Literary Award 

It is with great anticipation that we announce that two works by Year 10 student Charlotte Seddon have been shortlisted in the Furphy Literary Awards. The award ceremony will take place on Sunday July 30th. I have had the privilege of reading some of Charlotte’s works and witnessed the effort she places into her writing. Whatever the outcome, this is a massive achievement and we are so proud of you Charlotte! 



Subject Selections Open- Year 10 and 11 students

Subject selections are open for current Year 10 and Year 11 students. Students have been emailed a link to select their subjects via Web Preferences. Students have two opportunities to submit their preferences, meaning they can re-submit once if they make a mistake or change their mind. When they have made their final selections, students are asked to print their Web Preferences Receipt and have a parent or guardian sign this form. Signed forms must be submitted to School of Possibilities Leader, Sarah Baglin. The deadline for Year 11 and 12 2024 subject selections will be Friday 28th of July. Students are encouraged to speak to staff if they have any questions or concerns about the subject selection process. Subject selections for current Year 9 students (Year 10 in 2024) will open when VCE-fast track interviews conclude.


Sarah Baglin, SOP Learning and Teaching Leader

Year 10 History Excursion

As a conclusion to their studies, Year 10 History students travelled to Melbourne in the last week of Term 2 to visit culturally significant sites that illustrated the content they had studied throughout the semester. 


Students reflected upon Australia’s contributions to international conflicts and paid their respects to fallen soldiers at the Shrine on Remembrance, and explored our nation’s history of multiculturalism at the Immigration Museum.


These sites demonstrate some of our country's great achievements, but also the ways in which we can continue to grow as a nation. 


Throughout the day, the students consistently demonstrated what a wonderful, respectful group of young people they are, and I hope that they enjoyed the day as much as we did. 


- Stephen Kealy, SOP Learning Mentor

Unit 2/Unit 4 OAT/SAC Planner 2023 

Subject dates for VCE assessment tasks are as accurate as possible. Please note that dates can be subject to change based on school review. Please find the link here to the live document with assessment dates for each subject:

Unit 2/Unit 4 OAT/SAC Planner 2023


 - Chris Segrave, VCE Coordinator

VCE Exams Navigator 2023

The VCE Exams Navigator 2023 should be read by all students presenting for 2023 VCE external assessments. It contains important information about what you need to know for VCE external assessments. A hard copy was distributed to all students present in class on Friday July 21st by the subject teachers of: VCE Unit 3&4 Psychology, Business Management, and Vet Engineering Studies. If a student was away, please see the VCE Coordinator for a hard copy. We advise students to retain the VCE Exams Navigator 2023 until they obtain their VCE results.


If you have any queries, please contact Chris Segrave, VCE Co-ordinator.