Learning Across the 

Senior School

Year 10 Camp

This year, the Year 10’s adventured to Kangaroo Island for their camp experience. The camp started off with a rocky, rough ferry ride, and an enjoyable bus trip to our destinations. As group 3 members, our first activity was exploring the Eucalyptus and Emu Oil Farm, as well as KI’s Honey Farm. Later that day, we arrived at the Western KI Caravan Park, organised the dorms and set up the tents. After exploring the campsite, everyone headed up to the kitchen for some dinner and then off to bed.  


Tuesday morning, we woke up with a tuneful rise and shine at 6:50 and got ready for the busy day ahead. After breakfast we head off to Admiral’s Arch and spotted some adorable seals as well as a poor little joey lying on the floor - don’t worry we saved it! We then visited the Remarkable Rocks. Then we ventured on our amazingly beautiful Platypus Walk. After the 2-hour hike, we arrived back at the campsite, and everyone rushed to get the first shower. Once everyone was sorted, we had our dinner and headed off to bed.  


Wednesday morning arrived and it was the same routine as the day before. Woken up by Mrs Donnelly’s morning voice, got dressed and ready for the day, had breakfast then set off for our separate activities. Group 3 started off at the adorable Seal Bay, then off to Little Sahara Desert for sand boarding. Then 21 very sandy girls headed to Raptor Domain, where a few of us held some extraordinary birds. After the bird show, everyone had their showers and devoured some delicious yiros and chocolate mousse. The food on camp was scrumptious! 


Thursday for group 3 started off with a fun explore at the Wildlife Park. Then after morning tea and lunch we all experienced the activity of snorkelling/rock climbing/boogie boarding. It started off ok, until the tide quickly rose; we moved with urgency back to the bus.


Many thanks to Miss Martin’s excellent music taste and to Mrs Donnelly, Ms McCabe, Ms D’Angelo and Ms Kostas for their care and supervision throughout the camp journey. On behalf of all the year 10’s, we would like to also thank the Wilderness Escape staff for facilitating all activities.  

Ruby Washbourne and Molly Tunney (Year 10)

Balaklava Eisteddfod 

An extraordinary list of results has been achieved by Loreto girls at the 27th Balaklava Eisteddfods on Saturday 5 August. Everyone received a placing or Honourable Mention in almost every category entered by the singers. There was some tough competition on the day, but it was great for the girls to receive some generous and positive comments from adjudicators, with one comment being the strong encouragement for Ava Desteno to audition for the Elder Conservatorium Musical Theatre Course by its Director, George Torbay. A special mention goes to Molly Silvy for winning one of her sections and to Mia Luppino who managed to outrank her strongest competition on the day. Thanks to all the parents who supported the girls in this competition and congratulations to all the girls for a fine effort representing the music program at Loreto.





2nd - Gracie Cheung



2nd - Gracie Cheung 



3rd - Holly Westbrook 



3rd - Holly Westbrook

Honourable Mention - Mia Luppino



2nd - Mia Luppino



1st - Molly Silvy



3rd - Amber Hallett

Honourable Mention - Molly Silvy



2nd - Ava Desteno



2nd - Molly Silvy 

Honourable Mention - Amber Hallett

Mr Tim de Jong

Leader of Music and Music Production

A Fraction Too Much Friction

There is currently 'a fraction too much friction' in the Year 7 Science classes as the girls investigate the impact of various materials on the force of friction. Check out the photos below!

Body Coordination

Creating a model of a nerve cell and also a 'brain cap' when exploring ways in which the nervous and endocrine systems respond to changes in the external and internal environments were certainly relaxing and fun activities for our Year 9 Science students, yet also creatively reinforced aspects of the Body Coordination Unit being taught.  Dissecting the lamb's brain highlighted how delicate brain tissue actually is.

Ms Patty Warrender

Science Teacher